
Hey Kiwis, what happened?

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This is addressed to the arrogant little git who said all northern hemisphere teams are rubbish. Don't you feel like you should scuttle off and hide somewhere, since you managed to get beaten by one of those inferior northern teams?

Pride cometh before a fall.

You alright down there, Kiwi? Didn't break anything when you hit, I hope?

Don't get me wrong, normally I get on well with Kiwis. It's just this guy was so arrogant he reminded me of an Australian. Proof that no matter what nation you're from, there is no such thing as a place where everyone is a decent person.




  1. i'm gutted we scots are out but h**l we can at least chear on South africa.

    however i have to say that the main reason for my bias is because watching the english team is boring. relying on one kicker.. ahem.. not rugby is it!

    before any english fans go mad ask yourselves this, early nineties, grandslam, scotland beat england with a gavin hastings kick in the dying seconds.. for months we heard how unfair and poor it was for us scots to win in such a manner. funny how when that wee scrote johnny does it in Aus the team are applauded and pretty much **** licked by everyone!!

    double standards me thinks

  2. How can you say he was so arrogant he reminded you of an Aussie? Thats just rude and insulting to Australians. And you can't judge whether someone is a decent person based on what they say on yahoo answers, you have absolutly no idea what this guy is like, could be the local firefighter for all you know. Saying all northern hemisphere teams are rubbish is arrogant yes, but it was probably just a bit of banter, winding people up you know, it happens alot here. I mean you can wind him up about the loss but don't get personal, thats just sad mate.

  3. Youre not Welsh by any chance?

  4. Why get ugly. As a true rugby fan, I just love to watch great teams play. I support England with all my heart, but just love to watch a great All Blacks team at their best, playing their open expansive rugby. Any true lover of the game would enjoy this, exept when playing England if an England supporter.

    I love watching great Ausie teams, I hate Campesi as a person but just loved watching him in full flight at his peak.

    I am from South Africa, but made my home in England and support England, (Although now moved to Spain.) I am personal family friend of Uli Schmidt, now Doctor Schmidt. One the greatest ever in the history of the game and loved watching him play.

    Let's not forget, that whilst we want the country we support to win, as true fans of the game, we want to see great games. We are NOT football supporters, who say as long as we win. We, as rugby fans love our sport and appreciate watching the best even if it not our team playing.

    (Violins playing in the background.) But the true rugby fans know what I am saying. Kisses

  5. They began coasting like they always do, and the resulting dip in mental energy allowed France a way back into the game.

  6. I agree: Nothern hemisphere teams are far from being "rubbish"!

    Every team needs modesty, humility. Not only is it a sound attitude, but it is a key to success. If you underestimate your opponent, you're likely to be unprepared or lose ground if the match is not as you expected.

    I don't like insulting words like "they're c**p" etc...  it's just arrogant and wrong. The All Blacks play brilliant rugby, and so do England, France, Argentina when they're motivated and confident (but not overconfident).

    I support France. I hope they win!!!!!!  But if they don't it will be a well done and a beautiful victory for England.

    Just keep a good spirit, be fair-play and enjoy the game!!!

  7. I tend to agree with welshchick on that one I am an ABs supporter no end (yes still wearing black.... albeit for different reasons now lol) however the RWC has produced some astounding results so will be watching till the end.

    The ones that still have something to see and say in a good game are still here.

    Dont mind the banter (although the haka is taking a bit of a beating) just enjoying it till the end.

    edit: and yes this kiwi girl will certainly roll it up and give it back - If im prepared to give it out then Im prepared to take it!

  8. haha a scottish guy mockin the all blacks northern hemisphere rugby is **** so wat the top ranked nh team beat the top ranked sh team but ur 4getting that the 4th ranked sh team beat the number 1 ranked nh side so wat we lost the world cup we still hold.. the tri nations the bledislode the #1 world ranking hmm we won a grand slam we have the world record for the longest winning streak at home and its still going thers still 2 sh teams in the world cup im all black through and through il support them when theyr at theyr highest and lowest ALL BLACKS ALL THE WAY! and to the guy who said we got beaten badly it was 2 points mann thats a hiding!

  9. Northern Hemisphere rugby is cr@@p face it. The AB's didn't get beaten by a better team (check the statistics for the past 100 years) they were beaten by an incompetent English IRB appointed ref!!

    Aussies are not arrogant just proudly honest something u up there do not understand. I love u Aussie for your ability to intimidate with your brand of honesty.

    Decent obviously doesn’t apply to you mate!!!!

  10. The fact that the SH has won 80% of all world cups, has had the top side in the world for 18 of the 20 years and wins 50% of its game when visiting the NH and 85% of its games when the NH visit the SH clearly shows the NH is S***e.

  11. oh well it began a long long time ago in a mystical and beautiful land. With birds chirping and sheep grazing in the meadows.

  12. they can not play rugby like france and england

  13. LOL at sweet thing presuming you was Welsh:))  Oh my...........

    Anyway, not seen too many kiwi's on here since last Saturday, not many Aussies either come to that:))  Those that have been here were not the ones from the "we are best, and northern hemisphere rugby is cr@p anyway and we hate you" brigade but decent rugger fans who like a banter!

    They seem to have disappeared off  the face of  

    Y!A..........wonder why???????

  14. They got beaten.  They are learning humility.

  15. Well you are right there my friend...They got beaten....badly! But i think your exchange of words with the other guy should be just between the two of you!

    Those players gave their BEST!

    Some gave all and All gave Some!.. to try and win the Cup.

  16. It wasn't me was it.  Oh well another four years.  Have a nice day.

  17. You've got to hit em while they're down!

  18. Iv a strange feeling this is gonna get ugly...

  19. Hey, I'm a pom living in kiwi land.  Luv the place the the people (most of the time), but when it comes to having a dig at the poms, it is no longer a bit of banter.  Those viscous critics will find anything about England to have a whinge about to forget their own shortcomings. I'm afraid our forefathers have a lot to answer for as history is not forgotten down under - it's a cultural thing. The Aussies at least have a laugh about it.  The kiwi's take it too seriously & turn on each other when the AB's loose. It's a slaughter house down here!  If there was ever an arrogant team or fan base, it's down here as they truely believe they could just turn up based on last 2 years form & win. The commentary about winning margins was embarressing. As good as we know they are, we show respect when they are winning, shame they cannot do the same.  I support England & The AB's. As an ex-pat, always have, always will !

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