
Hey it true that....?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know how many times i have heard other guys tell me NOT to save my virginity for marriage cause you ALWAYS want to be good in bed. But i honestly dont care about being good in bed...i only see s*x as a way to give yourself fully to a person, to show somebody you truley love them, and to pro-create (make babies). So i really dont understand what they are trying to say. I guess what i really want to know is.....does it really matter for a guy to be good in bed? or is it better if he saves his virginity for his future spouse and wife?




  1. Okay, so first of all, it is very important for a guy to be good in bed. But that doesn't mean you have to have s*x before marriage to be good at it.... You can  learn together [you and your spouse] and eventually find out what both of you like, etc., etc. I find you're views on s*x very weird though.... Its wierd that you don't care about being good in bed.. and that you see it only as a way to "give yourself" to somebody... Boy do you have a lot to learn.. You seem like someone who is kind of ..sheltered I guess.. or naive idk. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you..but still... w/e don't mind me.. much. That's just interesting to me...

  2. If saving yourself is important to you, then you should honor that. And I'm sure your future spouse would feel special that you waited for her.

    Don't worry-you'll get better in time.  

  3. are you catholic/christian?

    either way I like my man experienced and to know how to work me! :)

  4. That is a choice you have to make for yourself.  Virginity is one of those one time deal things.  Once you lose it there is no getting it back.  If you want to wait until you are married that's great.  If not that is your decision.

    Does it matter?  I would hope not.  Your gonna gain experience sooner or later.  Also you might want to take into consideration of how reliable those "other guys" are.  

  5. i think you should wait.

    a girl likes to know that your the only one

    you've ever intamatly been with.

    hope this helped.

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