
Hey i wanna work but!!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to make money but i cant do a lemonade stand or watch and walk dogs and i cant mow peoples lawns because i live in a condominium's so help!




  1. Ask people in the condo if there's anything you could help them with.

  2. Go to church. When i was younger i was always able to find lots of babysitting jobs with a small letter with my name and number posted at the church nursury

  3. Becareful on how and who you ask that question you don't want to get into something you can't get out. There are lots of crazy people out there. You do sound young so try to get a job at a grocery store as a sacker or just do simple jobs that is with the public for now. Good Luck!!!

  4. ask people if thay need help

  5. First, your age might help us to answer.  I am assuming by the choices of work you chose, you must be a teenager or p*****n.  In that case, there is always housecleaning, babysitting, garage cleaning, window washing.  If you are older, then the newspaper is a good place to start.  If you don't have transportation, then I would post a flyer in your condominium's clubhouse (if you have one) telling people that you are willing to do odd jobs.

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