
Hey need help is dis normal

by Guest57597  |  earlier

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is it normal for a 13 y.o to have a 6.5 in. p***s.

idk if that is good or wat so plz help!!!!!




  1. um yes its normal, ever guy is different  

  2. Sure it's normal, your still growing some parts more then others  

  3. woww only 13 n your thinking bout howbig your d**k is..but if u really wat 2 no it normal means in a few years u would grow another inch..

  4. yes but your grammar isn't pay more attention in school and worry less about your **** size

  5. Do you know how many boy's have asked this question on here? It is not even funny!

    Here is a link to other similar question's and the answer's! I am seriously about to write a book!

    Any size you are is fine! If you are loved she will not care so wait until you are married to use it for anything other than peeing.

    Any one can mis spell a word or too so ignore the spelling scholars on here! They may be jealous! LOL :)

  6. yup is it normal  

  7. u need help..god :/ im not confortable with this.bye bye

  8. id hit that :) if you were older.

  9. its normal if ite below 3 inches den it aint

  10. yep, it's normal, but not normal to misspell words.

  11. yeah everyones size differs its normal... but not neccessarily good for all women, all women want diff things.

  12. its normal.

    you just got good genes.

  13. yeah average size

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