
Hey.. true lovers please suggest?

by  |  earlier

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in my school a boy loved me.. but i was negative... now after 6 years i have got to know that he is still in love with i sometimes keep thinking about him... i dont know whether it is only a sympathy or something else....

in school everybody said to me that he loved me truelly and i am lucky that i have got a true love offer. now iam afraid that he might have changed.....




  1. there is no love in sympathy.if u dont like forget him.

  2. well you will never know unless you go and ring, text or talk to him.  take a risk and get his number and ask him would he like to meet up

  3. No,ur wrong,if he loves u truly thn he will not b changed coz true love remains 4ever.N if u think tht u have also started loving him thn go ahead n tell him.GUD LUCK

  4. This happened to a girl I know. This guy said he loved her who she never got on with a really didn't think of in that way. He was bearly a friend. Everyone was saying to just go out with him but she stuck by her first instict, that she didn't like him no matter hwo much she was flattered. She also said that since me and my boyfriend fell in love she thinks of him. I think this is because it just brings back memories.

    Really think it through, do you really like this guy? Only you can say weather it's ment to be so just go for whatever fells right.

    And once you've made your desicion, stick to it and don't listen to anyone else. This is your choice.

    Hope I helped,

    Brooklyn  X

  5. well, if u gt to know dt he stil loves u, den i guess u shud go to him..

    n yes, u r luky indeed to hv sm1 who reallt n genuinlt loves u..

    plz, dnt ever go fr d one u luv, always go fr d one who loves u!!!!

    dnt letr him go wd b my advice..

    nyways, all da best!!

  6. i think u should meet him first n then decide what to do.

  7. if he really loves u then he cant change his mind...if love is tre one cannot forgive his true love in whole life...belive me ..go and tell him u too love him and yes all the best..please tell us soon what happened???????????after u did something

  8. This happened to a girl I know. This guy said he loved her who she never got on with a really didn't think of in that way. He was bearly a friend. Everyone was saying to just go out with him but she stuck by her first instict, that she didn't like him no matter hwo much she was flattered. She also said that since me and my boyfriend fell in love she thinks of him. I think this is because it just brings back memories.

    Really think it through, do you really like this guy? Only you can say weather it's ment to be so just go for whatever fells right.

    And once you've made your desicion, stick to it and don't listen to anyone else. This is your choice.

    Hope I helped,

  9. hey listen your friends r right he really love u & its amazing that a guy can love a girl for so long i know ur feeling somewhat symphatic but believe me whats there to atleast try  dont be afraid dear but atleast give him a chance

  10. Better ring him up and try to have a conversation. If he still loves u, u could recognize it buddy.

  11. ask him.,,if he still hav feelings for u,.

    if he dont.,.den just move.,.

    but if he stil does den gud,.,u could go out wd him.,.

    nd get to know each oder.,so dat u could tell if u do hav feeling 4 him,.,

    ull never get anything if u dnt make a move.,so ask him

  12. Beware of duplication .

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