
Heyyy facebook??????

by  |  earlier

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i want to change my name on facebook to my nickname

is it possible to change it? b/c i've tried numerous times and cannot figure out how to do it

ohh and quick survey?

myspace or facebook??




  1. facebook is better.

  2. just go to edit profile.

    and myspace is fun because you get to

    personalize it.

    but facebook is way safer and more of

    my friends are on facebook

  3. Jerry answered it well, but: facebook for sure. :)

  4. First I wanna say Facebook is better.

    To change your name: (with the old facebook) go to "My Account" top right. (with new facebook) click the "Settings" link top right.  You should see "Name", click it and you'll be able to change it.  It may take a day or two for it to process.
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