
Hi! giving away best answer here!?

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I what to find a place where I can read books online? Not just the classics but like newer books? I'll give away best answer to the person gives me the best website!





  1. What you are asking is ILLEGAL. Pull yourself out of the scum of the literary world before you get in over your head.

    Maybe you should take a look at the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005

    You may think that nothing will happen to you for posting or sharing pirated material...tell that to the man who was just arrested by FIVE FBI AGENTS for leaking unreleased Guns 'n' Roses music. He has his bail set at $10,000, with possible fines up to $250,000 and up to 3 years jail time.

    If you are too stingy to pay $20 for a book, how do you propose you pay those sorts of fines.

    The business takes this kind of stuff very seriously.

  2. Well, isn't the point of the authors, to one- reach to people through their books


    and three- MAKE MONEY OUT OF THEM. sorry but you should really buy them, or go to  your local library.

  3. The Literature Network is more about classics, but does have a very wide range of others to choose from.

    Public Bookshelf.

    And lastly, a site for kicks and giggles. FictionPress is for amateur writers to post their original work.

    Also, don't feel guilty about visiting these sites. Some of them have the rights to loan them to public and have consent. Hope I helped!

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