
HiGH school help plz!!

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okay so im going to start school next month in high school i'm going to be a freshman and i'm really freaking out to the point where i just wanna drop out lol everyone says just be yourself but i dont know i think i'm anti social or something lol so i was wondering how could i make friends on the first day what to say to make friends? how did you make friends in high school?

plz i really need help im going crazy




  1. just be yourself and friends will come  dont hang out with the wrong crowd either jut to get friends

  2. Hey! I just started my first day of high school TODAY what a coincidence-anyways it was not that bad i swear! And my school is pretty large-about 3500 kids. I was freaking out the night before but it was kinda fun! The only bad things are the normal ones-trying to find your classes and hoping friends are in your classes. i was fortunate enought to have at least one friend in all my classes and i already made a new one in my gym class. She just said she was nervous cause she didnt no anyone and befoe you know it we were talking! You just gotta stretch out of your comfort zone-it never hurts to say hi.  

  3. It's just high school--not a very big deal once you get into it--so stop freaking out. I'm in my junior year and I haven't made any real tight friendships but I'm getting through with it. Sure high school's the time to meet people and make friends, but it's also a time to learn to be a little independent. Like everyone says, just be yourself and do what you have to do as a high school student. That's all. You can do it.

  4. haha ok well for the first day there will probably be some kind of orientation or something so just talk to peopel and ask their name or what school they came from or what sports they play or what classes they are in....Everyone else is JUST as nervous as you are ok lol so stop freaking out lol its not like a death trap  

  5. I'm tired of answering these every year but what ever.  You are going into HIGH SCHOOL its the exact same as any other school you have been to.  Sorry to burst your bubble but high school is nothing like the Disney channel portrays.  As for making friends.... You should have already made them in previous years of schooling right?  If you are new then like you said be your self and you will slide into a group of friends you are comfortable with.

  6. yea our school is about 200 kids, 7th through Sr.  Yea needless to say I know over half the people at the school so it was  pretty easy for me.

  7. OMG.... we were all kids at one time---right!? STOP WORRYING...don't think JUST DO!

  8. I moved betweeen 8th and 9th into a whole new school and country.*air force*  There's nothing to flip out about.  It's just the same as when you started Middle school.  Everyone is going to be a little nervous just like you, so just be yourself and easily get some new friends.  You should already have friends, right?

  9. You are worrying about the stupidest thing in the world. Stop being paranoid, you're going to live. If you were anti-social you wouldnt care about making friends. Get over it and worry about passing high school. Nobody really cares about whether you're going to have friends or not. I don't sit here and think " oh haha that person has no friends."

  10. These d**n Questions Annoy The h**l Out Me But Hey  We were all nervous.Just be coolif you relax and chill youll be fine just kick it with the people you know
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