
High School!?! Help Please!

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Ok. Well on August 11th I will be starting high school this year and I am really scared that I will get lost on the campus. It use to be a college and they are still adding building to the campuse which will make it bigger. I already have my schedule and my classes are in different building around the school. I don't even know where I am suppose to go on the fist day of school (like what building). And I am really freaked out about this.

Any advice about starting high school.

And the friends that I've talked to don't have the same 1st period with me so I can't even follow them. =[

Please help




  1. Don't worry, there will be someone to help you because they don't expect the freshman to like know where every class is.  Did u have an orientation, I know my school starts on aug. 11 and our orientation is on tuesday so we'll get all of our info then.  I'll be a freshman too and I have the same problem because my school used to be 2 schools so it's like really big but I have friends in high school and like they all told me that there are like designated people thatt will help you find your way.

    Good Luck


  2. Go to school a few days before it starts, sometime this week and just walk around campus, maping out where you will go for each class.  This will help you be more comfotable with the location.  And have a meeting spot with your friends during break so that you can hang out.

  3. Hi!

    I'm Andrea, a senior in High School! :)

    Well you can start by going to the school site, most high schools have a virtual map :)

    You can also visit the school a couple of days before and request a map...

    It won't be hard to find places, give it 2-3 days.

    On the brightside, most teachers are in front of their door the first couple days of schools, so you can just ask the teachers, even the students.

    I wish you the best of luck in your high school experience, make the most of it.


    Social Skills= Avoid eating in the cafeteria, unless for some reason it's cool at your school.

    MAKE FRIENDS. Be friendly and smile often! :)

    Get in good with the teachers the first days, that way the get a great 1st impression!

    Need further help? HW?

    You can just email me, my email is on the profile page :)

    Be Well & Good Luck!

  4. no problem, I have an out door campus too. we have 11 buildings, and 4 portables. Not including the Studend Union Building, which has the cafiteria, and lockers in it, and another building that has the auditorium and band and chior classes in it, and another building which is our mini dome which holds the gym, health rooms, and pool. They have to have some way of getting around, your classes obviously are going to be numbered, so if it's like ours...well lets say you have 9 classroom buildings. For us, each building is a number. the 100 building, the 200 building, the 300 building, 400 building...etc. Each building will have classrooms, and in the building it will be class room 101, 102, 103, 104, until there are no more classes in the building. then the 200 building again has room 201, 202, 203 etc. for each building. So if you have a class that says room 413, it's in the 400 building, class 13. And of course it will be labeled. What makes it easy for our school is that each building is a subject. So like the portables for us are the langueges, the 300 building is the math building, 400 is reading and literature, and 500 science get the idea.

    Here's a hint: On the first day of school, get there early, like atleast an hour if you can, or get there the day before. Try to find out where your classes are, and ask around to see if anyone else knows where the classes are. i can garrentee you wont be the only one there an hour early for school. and don't worry, your teachers arn't inhuman, they know it's going to be scary, and your not going to be the only one. Oh, and between classes, walk fast. Between classes, i've had to walk 1/2 a mile between buildings in our 5 minute passing periods.

  5. I remember starting year 7 I ask my sister who was in year 12 where was the maths building and she showed me. I think ask people where the buildings are.  

  6. Go to the campus now, and walk around.  Learn the names of the buildings and where they are in relation to each other.  

  7. ask a teacher for help!

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