
High School sports???

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I'm going to be a freshman this year and I'm thinking I might take gymnastics but I have never took gymnastics. Can you be a total beginner when you start a high school sport? When you were in high school and you took a sport were you a total beginner?




  1. it depends on the school. Some schools suck so they'll take who ever they can find, but there are some schools where you have to know the sport and be good

  2. prally not, but you can try.

  3. It all depends on your school, how many people they take on the team, and how much experience the other people have had.  At my daughter's school, it's pretty hard to make the gymnastics team.  We have several gyms in our town, so there are lots of upper level gymnasts.  About 50 people tried out for the High School team, but only the best 24 girls could make it (12 on Varisty and 12 on JV).  The girls who didn't make it had the option of taking a gymnastics class in school as their P.E., so at least they still have the chance to do gymnastics.  They just don't compete.

    My niece, on the other hand, lives in a town where there aren't any gymnastics clubs.  Hardly anyone has had any experience, so the High School team is made up mostly of beginners.  The coaches just teach them what they need to know right there at school.  

    You should talk to your high school gymnastics coach and see how things work at your school.  

  4. Even if you don't make the high school team, if you want to do gymnastics, see if there are any clubs in your area.  A lot of them have both rec and competitive classes for all ages and levels.

  5. i know a girl who made varsity with a back hand spring. and the high school has over 4000 kids to choose from. so i think youve got a chance if you prove its something you;ll work for.
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