
High School vollyball?

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Ok i'm thinking about joining vollyball this year i've played vollyball before but i'm kind of good but also not very good so i'm like in between. So i want to know what are they looking for at the tryouts? And how can i make the ball the way it's supposed to go because i sometimes hit the ball to hard and it goes alittle to far? And if there is a video that will show me from like youtube or something please leave me a link but if not try to explain it to me if possible i would appreciat it. And the tryouts are not until spring so i have alot of time.




  1. Volleyball is really more about timing than anything else. Precision and good timing.

    At the tryouts they're going to look to see how good you can play your position.

    When spiking, the goal is to hit the ball downwards and fast. It's about speed & power. Hit the top part of the ball. Hitting it lower will cause it to go further and higher.

    Other than the skills, you need good cardio and explosive power. A high vertical jump and pretty decent endurance.

  2. While it is important to know the technical aspects of volleyball in order to make the team, it is also critical that you make the coaches notice you at tryouts.  The best way to achieve this is to show a positive, outgoing attitude at all times.  Motivate the other players by cheering them on and slapping them on the back.  Always give 110% effort, even when you know you may not be doing the best.  If you show that you are a team player, the coaches will see that you will be an asset to the team.  A positive attitude will get you very far, but make sure you can do all the basic drills, too.

    When trying to control the direction and distance of a pass, there are two things you need to pay careful attention to: Your arms and your legs.  Make sure your legs are a little more than shoulder width apart, with the one toward the edge of the court a little in front of the other.  Bend your knees so that your backside is at the same level as your knees.  Make sure you are facing the direction you want to ball to go.

    You should hold your hands and arms in a certain position as well.  If you are right-handed, hold your left arm out and make a thumbs up, wrapping your fingers into a fist.  Then take your right hand and wrap your fingers around the fist.  Have your thumbs next to eachother, laying as flat as possible.  The inner sides of your forearms should now be facing up.  Make sure the surface where the ball will hit you is flat.  If your arms are crooked, you will have no control of the ball.  Extend your arms and keep them straight.  Use your legs as the primary source of power to propel the ball.  Don't swing your arms, keep them rigid and under control.

    I hope this helps.  Good luck at tryouts!

  3. What's good about volleyball is you don't have to be spectacular at all aspects. They can rotate people in and out so if you're not a good server, you'll be rotated out before it comes to you to serve.

    It's also highschool, not the olympics or college. If you plan on practicing, work on a jump serve. If you're not tall, you'll be a back row or digger if you're quick. Just pick up a ball long before tryouts. There should be clubs in your area that you can join. Search the net for volleyball clubs. GL

  4. When you are spiking, aim to hit it like 5 feet from you.  Smack down on the ball instead of smacking the side of it.

    Be fast on your feet where you aren't tripping over yourself.  Be in shape and able to run.  The more hustle, the better you are.

    Learn to set well.  This could be key.

    And when you serve, aim to serve about a foot or two over the net.  If you are playing in a school gym, the rafters/ceiling are out of bounds and you lose the serve.

    At tryouts: they'll want to see outside, middle, and weakside spikes; sets; bumps; dives (stay off your knees); serves; hustle; spirit.  Make sure you're there 15 mins early to show the coach you're reliable.  Stay to watch everyone else tryout so you know what you're up against.

    Best wishes!

  5. if u are hitting the ball (spiking)...and it is going out to far u are leaving to late and u r contacting the ball underneath it to much...leave as soon as the ball leaves the setters hands and hit the ball on the top part
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