
High gas prices report...

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okay, i have a summer project due the week of the 18th. i have to write an essay on a national event that happened over the summer or has been happening... i was thinking of doing high gas prices because i think i would have an easy time doing research on it, but i have not had the best of luck. can someone help me find websites that would help with my report?! or if you think another topic would be better than can you help with that. all i need is some guidelines and a few websites. thanks soo much! =]




  1. Good selection for the project. There are basically three driving factors behind higher gas prices and they are very related. 1) Basic law of supply and demand. Although demand for oil has increased especially with emerging markets in China and India, the amount of oil that OPEC and oil producing countries output has been relatively constant. So obviously, as demand increases and supply stays constant, price will go up. 2) Speculation on Wall street is betting on increased oil prices based on the fact that as point 2 states, oil supply has not increased, so that also helped drive the price up even further. 3) The concern over war with Iran is another factor in driving the price up since Iran is one of the largest oil producing nations that supply the world with energy, so if they are in a war with USA, they will most likely stop exporting oil to create a global shortage hoping to immobilize the US economy.

  2. the connection between gas prices and global warming.


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