
High on ativan???

by  |  earlier

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I was prescribed ativan and i told my friend who does some drugs and he wanted to buy it from me. There is no way im selling it to him so please dont just post saying dont sell it to him. anyways can you get high on ativan? I dont want to take to much and drive and find myself high. So how much is to much. my doctor told me to start out with 2mg and if they dont stop my panic attacks to move up to 4mg. will more than 4mg get you high because i dont want to take any chances with driving and work and such.




  1. 2mg of ativan is a pretty high dose i wouldnt recommend driving until u get used to it, and yes some people use ativan to get high it is very similar to valium and xanax, also be very careful ativan can be physically addictive so take it only when u need it for your panic attacks. withdrawl from it may result in even more severe panic attacks, shaking,nervousness, and all sorts of horrible symptoms. i used to take it and this happened to me so please be careful! and when u have a panic attack and youre waiting for the meds to kick in my best advice for u would be to slow your breathing by breathing through your nose or even using a paper bag if u have to good luck to u!!

  2. Yea ativan can make you feel a little woozy.  So, try taking one when you are relaxing in your home and not having a panic attack so you can feel and become familiar with the effects of it.

  3. Anna is absolutely right.  Ativan which belongs to the Benzodiazepene group of drugs like Valium, Frisium, Xanax and Klonapen etc. is a highly relaxing drug ( in fact it is a skeletal muscle relaxant) and goes to work within twenty minutes and lasting till about eight hours. I have seen people being addicted to Ativan and never being able to give it up. So bad is the addiction that when a person wants to give it up it may take a lifetime. Tremors, high blood pressure, disorientation and other complications arise when a person tries to give it up. Ativan 1 mg is powerful enough to knock down the healthiest of a person. But two and 4 mg is a lot more. You should not be taking such large doses. Ask your doctor to give you any other drug for panic attacks. They take a few days to act but are very much safer. There are many other complications with Ativan.  Wanna know? Just go to google. Wish you the best.
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