
High school/College.?

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so here's the deal. I'm trying to decide what AP classes to take in high school if I want to major in dentistry. I've read somewhere online that you should take calculus and chemistry, but is there more to it?

please only answer if you now for sure or have experience with this, or give me a link.

thank you.




  1. I know at my college, anyone in the biology field has to take statistics, physics, chemistry, calculus and biology.

  2. science and math, university prep

  3. I was debating medical school as a student, but that changed.  

    Medical schools like well rounded students.  You will be required to know chemistry for the chemicals that you will be using, anatomy for the body, biochemistry is a plus since this ties biology and chemistry together.  Also, while looking (and I never filled out the apps) at medical school applications and requirements, I noticed that there was an English requirement...had to have 2 English courses in college.  

    You really should narrow down the list of dental schools that you are interested in attending and review the admission requirements.  If you aren't sure, then pick a few from all over the country.

    best of luck.

  4. depends on the college you goto, but honestly try and get something like english or calculus out of the way chemistry is less likely transfer over... nobody will be able to give you a solid answer, really your best bet would be to call the schools you are interested in and tell them the scenario.  
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