
High school ... I'm stressed

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hi everyone

in 2 weeks it's my first day of high school and I'm really stressed

I'm from france and I don't know how teenagers are over here

but I speak current English because grew up in Atlanta but moved to France when I was 9

anyways I just wanna know if the other are gonna make fun of me am I going to make friends and how American high schools work

thank you


PS : I'm stressed




  1. i bet if you have an accent everyone will love you, don't be stressed. Just be nice and friendly and honest and everything should work out for you.

    good luck

  2. I am going to start high school too and i'm from the United States. But it depends on what school your going to. All high schools are different. I know your going to make friends. Some kids might make fun of you because alot of high schools over here do that to anyone. They don't care. But don't get too stressed because i'm going to start highschool too. But you have french accent I bet alot of girls will like that. Because they think its cute.

  3. You'll be fine.

  4. High school is no big deal, I promise.

    Do you have an accent? If you do, don't even worry about not fitting in, people will LOVE you. really, a lot of people over here are obsessed with foreign accents and stuff like that.

    Even if you don't, either way, you'll get used to it fast. Its nothing complicated and you won't be the only one lost.

    Are you a freshman? If you are you have it even better because all the freshman are running around confused the first day, and probably the first week, so teachers are used to it.

    Good luck. :)

    p.s. I live just outside atlanta. :)

  5. Hey don't worry you'll be fine as long as you aren't annoying to people you'll be good.  Teenagers here are the same as everywhere.  You'll make plenty of friends and probably get a lot of girls.  

    So just chill and go in with confidence - talk to your classmates - be social!

  6. I think every one who is going to be a freshman this year is stressed out. The only thing I can say is talk to people and dont even think about what they might think of what you are saying. Be yourself, if it doesnt help you this year, it will defiantly in your following years.

  7. i have always wanted to travel to France :)

    i know high school might seem really scary but don't stress... it only freaks you out more and serves no purose :)

    its not as "clique"ey and peole are not mean like the movies make them out to be!  remember this is new for everyone else too so they're just as nervous

    just don't forget to be yourseful... people will probably be interested because you're from a new place and they'll want to get to know you :)

    try to make friends with people you sit around in your classes...

    good luck with everything!! you're gonna be fine.

  8. The foreign exchange students are almost always the most popular kids at school. You will have no problems. People will love you accent!

  9. Don't worry, you'll do fine.

    Teenagers are are all cut from the same cloth, no matter the nationality.

    Just be nice, and you'll be fine.

    If you get lost, laugh it off, and ask someone for help. If it's a big school, chances are that the person you ask has gotten lost before, too.

    If you don't have a MySpace, get one, then find your new school under the Schools category. That's a great way to meet other students. Who knows? Maybe one of them will be nice enough to show you around on the first day.

    Oh, and if your new school offers an open house, go to it. It'll help out loads.

  10. People wont make fun of you. They actually like people with accents and they think its cool ;) You might make plenty of friends.

  11. You'll be okay. Don't worry. I bet there are a lot of girls in that school who likes men with a French accent. :)

    I was nervous starting high school too, but same things with the other kids. They're new there, just like you! But you'll find many friends. Anyways, high school is fun, so don't worry. DONT STRESS! (save that for major tests. lol)

    good luck!!!!

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