
High-school Question ?

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Are the girls and guys bitchy/mean on the first day even when they don't know you or is everyone nice?and how will i find my friends on the first day because the high school that I'm going to is really big like 5000 students.?I'm so nervous you don't even know.Thanks for everyone that answers my questions c: ill try to answer your to .




  1. Usually on the first day of school people are nervous, they should be nice though because all the students are nervous and should be understanding. YOu'll do great.

  2. nah everyone is nice cause they want to make friends. you won't have any toruble finding your friends. i know it seems big now, but once you're there its not. you learn your way around really fast and you'll soon have common meeting places

  3. NO they are nice because they wanna make friends.

    and youll meet people in your classes you sit beside

    and stuff no worries.

    just be open and out going

  4. Its a mixture of both. When I was in middle school ( 8th grade, around last day of school) there was a group of girls saying they dont want to meet anyone else... and just stick with their own click. So yes there will be students going in there already who doesnt want to answer or ask a question. Although I wouldnt say thats the majority. A student body of 5000, you shouldnt ahve to worry about much.  

  5. When I was in 7th grade I was REALLY nervous =). But in one week you will be fine. Make sure you NEVER ask old kids for directions they will LIE. I would know my friends do it to 7th graders. Always be nice and prepared. A teacher HATES it when you have no pencil. They will not count you late for like the first week so dont worry at all about the lateness and the 3-4 minutes bell depending on the school. If it is a JR. HIGH school it is so easy and fun. But if it is a JR./SR. Like mine you DONT want to have gym with the seniors trust me it HURTS! LOL. Good Luck though and it is so so much better than middle school. I know you are getting a lot of lectures, but just be YOURSELF. Dont act "mean, bitchy, S****y" A lot of people will hate your for it. Again Good luck =) And By the way I am in 9th if you wondering.
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