
High school physical?

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what exactly is that like? my friend told me it was really....awkward. what do they do? do i have to get any shots or something?




  1. It's a normal checkup, normally done by a pediatrician. They check your hearing and vision, look in your throat, nose, and ears, check your spine for scoliosis, test your reflexes, feel around on your stomach to see if there are any sensitive spots (which would indicate IBS or an ulcer or something), have you pee in a cup, maybe draw some blood, and give you any shots you're due for. They *might* take a peek down your shirt just to make sure your body is growing like it's supposed to through puberty, but they don't touch. They *might* peek in your undies to see if you have any pubic hair, etc. They tell you to wear seatbelts and to stay away from drugs. They ask if you're being abused or if you're sexually active. You don't get a gynecological exam. It's not awkward. Just the normal routine....

  2. depending on your school. well, my school's physical u had to pee in a cup ( lol ) then go in the gym and wait in a line to get your pressure arm thingy done. then hop around in a circle to test heart-rate. then get weighed and checked for scoliosis. Then your done, no, no shots. Gl :)

  3. no, they just test you generally to make sure your healthy for sports.  if you want you can have a personal doctor do it and fax the results.  it's so the school is clear in case you get hurt, sick, or have the potential to spread sickness.

  4. it's not bad at all. if you are up to date on all your shots you don't need anything. they just take your blood pressure and all that good stuff. then a nurse practitioner comes in and takes a peek at your b*****s and down there then they ask you a couple of questions about your period and s*x. just relax, before you know it it will be over.  
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