
High school question?????

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Do all, or some high schools have open showers? You know, the kind where everyone can see every part of everyone else?




  1. Mine does (for athletics) but you never have to partake.

  2. Mine has open showers, it depends on how much money your school has, probably. Nobody uses the showers after PE, though.

  3. nope, at my school they have them but there's curtains and we aren't even supposed to shower

  4. some have cutains some don't. and some don't even have enough time for you to shower.

  5. actually my high school used to... there were two sections- one in the back that had separate stalls and another in the middle that was basically just one big open shower... however, there were slight separations between every few showerheads...

    why are you asking anyways? research?

  6. mine has curtains

  7. no mine  doesnt even have showers

  8. most do but some have curtains, while most people dont even use them which is gross (I was in wrestling so i just went straight home after practice

  9. no one takes showers in high school plus they dont give you time

  10. Most of them do, but some usually have one or two stalls a long with it for the embarrassed people.

  11. yea, definatly too many movies, my school only has showers for the football players, and i dont even know how often theose have been used...

  12. Ours has open showers ... I don't know about other schools but ours does.

    However, no one even showers in there because we never have time.

    Only waterpolo and swim use it, most of the time.

  13. Some do.  Mine does but they only make the sports teams shower together.  For normal P.E they don't.

  14. idk i sorta doubt it

  15. ours those for pools and its open but we all just showerd with shorts, we saw each other change but after a week or so no one used the towel trick and no one cared i assume something close to females. + its high school grow up, who cares? all the girls in there know what body parts other girls have  

  16. Well in my High School we don't even have locker rooms[[complicated school]]

    But in my middle school there were curtains but no one took showers there.And open shower rooms in schools are pretty much only in movies :/

  17. no they don't

    good luck

  18. ours has stalls && curtains

  19. not ALL of them.

    most of them actually

    have curtains :]

  20. Haha, no! You watch too many movies.

  21. no mine has curtains

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