
High school question????

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haha i know everybody is probably getting sick of the questions about people being nervous for high school, sorry. I am starting high school tomorrow and i was wondering if the work is a lot harder than in middle school? and are the exams hard? thanks for your help




  1. High school is very different than middle school. Most high schools have mid-terms and finals (which some middle schools do not have) and the work becomes more demanding. Just stay on top of your work and know your classmates are going through the same thing. If you are struggling, don't be ashamed to ask your teacher for help and do not be afraid too go to a guidance counselor if you are struggling. Good luck.

  2. Work in high school is a little harder than middle school, but it's not so hard that you'll be stumped on everything. Don't worry about it too much - I'm in my 3rd year of HS. High school's a blast!

  3. Of course it is, its high school

    All you can do is tough it out

  4. its somewhat harder.. bc now the next four years you will be preparing for the real world.. and most of all college.. however high school work is what you make it.. i was scared to but im even more scared now starting my 2nd year of college.. imagine how i must feel.. but its what you make of it.. you'll be fine and hold you head up! Good Luck and Congrats you'll be the class of 2012! lol

  5. I'm a Junior, and well of course the work is going to be harder, if it wasn't why leave middle school, right? but its not much harder. All the things about freshmen being shoved into lockers and trash cans... nope you only see that on TV. As long as you respect the upperclassmen, they will respect you. High School is a blast, you'll love it!

  6. I'm a junior in high school and depending on what school you are going to, high school is a lot bigger and more crowded... you also have to do a lot more to get good attention from harder and get good grades...because you NEED teachers to be on your good side because they are the ones who write recommendations for college. Use the first week of school to make friends, talk to the people who sit next to you in classes because most people don't know each other and its easier to make friends that way... remember that most everyone in nervous and excited so don't be afraid to show it.. also don't rely on others to start conversations because they usually don't... just remember to make friends during the first few weeks because once the first month passes its harder because everyone knows each other by then..and the worst part it so become a freshman outcast..harsh reality...but trust will be fine and you will love high school its a great opportunity and take full advantage of it! good luck!!!

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