
High times?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this Q is not about the magazine but about what to do while high.

Ok, I'm sure everybody knows about the pass out game right? Where you hyperventalate yourself with rapid deep breathing, hold a last huge breathe, and have someone bear hug your chest until you pass out. Well, what would happen if instead the that last massive breathe of air, make it a massive rip from a joint, blunt, bowl, or bong. Would this just turn out to a trip to the emergency room?




  1. Not only could that result in a trip to the emergency room you might also never wake up. When you don't get oxygen what happens? Your brain dies. Just stick with the massive bong rips. If you feel like your weed ain't strong enough try a different strain. I would also like to add that instead of killing your brain try some spiritual mushrooms and improve your outlook on life.

  2. You might consider some other form of entertainment.  Perhaps acquire a skill that will enhance your self-esteem.  I would die of embarrassment if anyone found out I was losery enough to spend my time doing those "get high" kind of things.  Not that you're losery...but you are wasting such great potential.  You are an incredible creation, why waste it?  Get high on life.  Plan a trip to somewhere you want to go.  Make plans & make it happen.  You have so much more power and ability than you give yourself credit for.  Don't blow it. You're only young once.  Set yourself up for success, not just spacing life getting high til you're 40 & it's too late.

  3. I actually seen one of my best friends do this when i was in highschool. she passed out and stopped breathing. it has to be one of the dumbest things thats people do what the h***s the point of this anyways?
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