
Highschool help? any advice???

by Guest62080  |  earlier

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I am going into High school this year, and I am pretty nervous.

What is it like?


Thanks in advance!





  1. High school can vary for everyone, but it will most likely be filled with some of your best and some of your worst times. Do your work, study, make friends, do what you enjoy, stay true to yourself, respect your elders, and be make wise choices. Good luck!

  2. High school is going to be full of adventures, challenges, obstacles, goals, influences, peer pressure, back stabbing, gossip, laughter, heart ache, heart break, falling in love, new firsts and so much more.

    My advice? Keep your nose clean. Stay away from drugs, drinking, and smoking. Don't go against your own morals just to fit in with the "cool" crowd.  Remember those who were there for you first, don't forget the little people. Have a decent level of respect for your teachers/school authorities.

    Pay attention in class. Don't forget to study for tests, and remember to do your homework. Laugh during your lunch hour, exchange notes in the halls, slip little "pick me ups" into your friends lockers. Say hi to the quiet kids... get out and do things such as sports, band, choir, or ROTC.

    Most of all, remember to have fun and keep your grades up. Despite what people may tell you, your high school GPA can mean something in the work force later in life. Having a good degree with good grades behind it can give you better job ops and higher rates of pay (trust me on this one as I am the one who writes checks for the company I work for).

    It's not all serious, but then again, it's not all fun and games either. High school is a "one in a lifetime" experience. You should treat it as such.

  3. Well this depends on how big your high school is and such. I went into a fairly small high-school when I went into high School... connected to the middle school i just came from.

    There aren't too many differences in structure between middle school and high school, just usually a bit bigger.

    The one piece of advice (me going into my senior year wish I had this my freshman year) I will give you is this. Take every class seriously, when you apply to college you will want the best transcript. A failing grade even in a small unimportant class could be the difference between you getting accepted and rejected.  

  4. Hmm, yeah me too.

    I'm starting high school this year. Nervous as c**p. I just plan on being me, strictly. I'm not that great at meeting new people, but I'm staying optimistic.

    Go to Open House, or whatever your HS might have. Freshman Orientation for us.

    Well, good luck. Hope your first few weeks is okay.  

  5. just act really cool like in the family guy movie

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