
Highschool help!!!??!!??

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so im about to start high school and i am soooo nervous!! im totally going to get lost!!! im also scared about the harder homework! i need advice!!




  1. Don't be nervous. I'm sure that you know others who are going to your high school. Find classes that you have together and learn the layout of the school beforehand if possible. You won't get lost. High schools may seem so big at first but after a couple days you will know where everything is. The homework won't be THAT much harder. Just make sure that you keep up with everything. Play a sport or join some clubs. High school is the best time of your life (before college at least!)... enjoy it while you can!

  2. I'm going into grade 10, and well i was nervous when i first started High School to, but just try to stay yourself and try your hardest in your work .  As long as no one bothers you , you should be fine.

  3. just relax... its like anything for the first time - its unfamiliar but's a great experience... it takes like 2 days to get use to where to go and as for homeowrk dont stress yourself.. do what u can - u willlearn to break your homeowrk up.... your biggest worry should be what to wear the first day- I KID- Have fun... dont think too much about it... you will look back and be like "Why'd I stress it"

  4. well the homework isnt that hard but your given quizes and tests more prepare for that is to pay attention in class,because the teachers dont always tell you to write down stuff in your notes.its gonna be a long year being in a new school so i suggest joining a club or a sport that has you loking forward to something else.and on the first day i think you should stick with a friend that day so your not alone,but teachers are usually a good help to freshman so dont be afraid to ask for help if you get lost.

  5. hey dont worry i was the same way before my freshman year. i assure you that you will love high school. it is 100 times better than middle school. And yes the course load is a bit more but if you manage your time it wont be that hard. Like for example i play a sport, and i would get home at 6:30, eat dinner, take a shower and i would have my homework done by 10:45 the latest.

    it is all about time management!

    you wont get lost, and the first 2 weeks the teachers are more understanding. they also have a freshman orientation the day before school starts in order for the freshman to get acquainted with where everythign is without all the other grades.

    good luck and you will love it!!!!

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