
Highschool vollyball...?

by  |  earlier

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tell me everything you know, its played...what they expect from it alot of it fun....what can i do to train for it...what can do to enjoy it more, and maybe make the team....

i'm trying out in 2 days...





  1. I played a lot of volleyball in Guam (beach volleyball).  The best thing to do is to get a good set of knee pads and be the one that "digs" for the ball.  Don't be afraid to get in there and play.  Show the initiative.  If you can't spike, don't try.  You'll look like a fish in the net and will only p**s off the other team mates.  Use the "bump, set, spike" techniques.  Don't be a one person team and hit the ball over the net whenever it comes to you.  "Bump, set, spike."  Set the example of teamwork and the others will follow.

  2. here is wat i put for another answer so i just copied and pasted:

    right now i'm trying out for volleyball. our coach is working us really hard. but first of all... don't overwork your self. where i am its really hot. so if u start feeling sick take a break and drink little sips of water in the shade. right now we are practicing 2 hours 3x a week. so if it is hot try to do it in the early mornings when its cool.

    we start by doing what he calls "active stretches." examples are bounds, lunges, karoke, side lunges, etc. make sure your taking enough breaks..... but don't drink too much water.

    next we go into actual passing and sets and serves. if u can it would be easier to get a partner and practice throwing with your dominat arm and stepping with the opposite foot. you stretch your arm back like your going to swat a fly, bring your arm down (trying to aim the ball some what low so the person in ready postion is actually bending their legs and not just standing there), and follow through by bringing your arm behind you kind of cupped on the same side. you can practice serves and sets with parteners too having them gently throw or pass you the ball and for serves you should practice overhand. serve it to the other person whos in ready postion.

    then we finish up by sprinting, bounding, and hopping with both feet together as far as we can. that way we can cool down somewhat. so its not just a complete stop.

    also try to get help from others who played volleyball already and coachs because they no correct position. but just know your coach may want you to do it differently so be open to changes.

    definetely practice vball skills... once you have some muscle and are in pretty good shape practice setting... bumping.....spiking.. and most important overhand serve. rember.... if u can't get your serve over the net then you won't need to bump set or spike because you won't be able to put the ball in play. but when it comes to serving start close to the net and start moving back when you get it over. practice the right technique also and follow thru.... rember to listen to your coaches also.

    check out a rule book or the rules with your coach and remeber to ask questions!!!!! good luck!

  3. Hey! thats funny! sorry for stealing your face! lol well... i dont even really look like that.. it just looks cute! lol bye!

    o sorry i dunno anything about vollyball!

  4. two major things in volleyball.....TALK and MOVE!!!!!!!!! when the ball is coming to you ar close run after it and YELL "mine" that way you dont have collisions and u dont hit anyone getting to it. my freshman coach stresses these aspects. for the rules chech out a book...i cant explain them on the computer. also if no one is going after the ball you bust your butt trying to get to it. that way the coach will know that you are at least trying.

  5. This won't help you much, but the cute lil tight shorts the volleyball players wear in high school are totally a nice sight. :-)

    I can't explain teh rules of volleyball on here. Just keep your eyes on the ball, communicate good with your players, and hit the ball correctly and preferably, over the net, as much as you can. If you can show you're better than most and several aspects of the sport, you might have a good shot at it. Good hitters are always being looked for.

  6. HS volleyball is great! very, very fun! they look for speed, quickness, instinct, jumping ability, and effort. either look like youre trying hard or just try hard. unless you want to be a setter you should just focus on passing and they will teach you how to hit later. bumping and controlling the ball is very important. to practice for this you can just "pepper" with a friend or two. which is just passing the ball back and forth. make sure you're using the correct technique. im sure you can find it on if you want to be a setter, you should also look up the techniques to setting and practice that. all in all, dont be so serious. have some fun =) GOOD LUCK! oh, i forgot to say..dont be afraid of the ball. it doesnt hurt as much as you think =) and if you mess up don't get mad at yourself or frustrated. just have fun. and speak loudly! call for the ball if it's coming to you. for my team we said "i go" and if it's not coming to you we said "help". communication shows teamwork and it is a good habit.

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