
Hillary clinton vs. joe biden?

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how do u feel about obama picking biden over hillary (or any other candidate), i feel that the democratic ideas have changed drastically and its starting to feel like any other typical election again.




  1. By the time this election is over barack Obama is going to morph into George Bush!  

  2. i think obama was worried about one thing with hillary:  mobilization of the republicans.  it has nothing to do with his view of her competence, rather he feared the all out vote to keep another clinton from getting into office.  with biden, many republican clinton bashers might not even vote.  

  3. I agree Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  4. I agree with you that Obama is starting to look more like a Republican.  The joke, of course, is that Obama has been changing position on the issues so many times that by November he'll be running on the Republican ticket.  That's not far from the truth.  Obviously, Joe Biden is a major Washington insider who shares very little politically with Obama, until he was announced his VP pick.  (I'm guessing Hillary was asked and she turned him down.)  Just expect more of the same come November.  I really don't see much of a difference now between Obama and McCain.

  5. obama candidacy shall fil for his kenyan natural born citizen and no u s nature born what he claimed so far. bnut lies have short life . the rev dr kamal karna roy moved the u s district court for the district of new hampshire at concord n f 03301 with prayuer to scrap cand9idacy of both mccain j,& barack hussein obama.none of them u s born natural citizens &  not  eligible to run for u s president. the reasons were cited in filed affidavis and witness or evidence. the truthful facts were cited fro new york times and newsweek articles of truth fulness of the vateran columnists.. the democratic , republican national committees were made defendant so that national committee decisions to nominate obnama and mccain could be challenged in appeals court of circuits if u s d court fail to resolve issue or towards decision not arrive in appeals court the affair may reach the supreme court of usa. The uno, world body , n y city, n y was made a defendant in the issue as such if the matters do no reach stisfactory resolutions them final appeals may be made to the international court of justice at hague: if a panamian citizen or kenyn citizen by birth like mccain or obama are allowed to contest u s presidential election in 2008 nov 2008 then possibly some day obama some day may claim to run for u s president  of u s in coming years; we the people must follow advice of u s s r_russian former president  gorbachev  and former u s president reagan discussions of such issue compexity such as of eligibility of  obama and mccain , if we trust but must verify before occurances of evils to happen to usa and we the people bcome victims of any mischiefs of foreign nations in disguise of u s american patriots. the material of the text was borrowed from the the rev dt kamal karna roy , a gop would be contender of u s president nov 4 2008 scheduled election againt john s mccain, the presumptive nominee of gop with choice of human_gods or republican party (gop) of usa law is law beyond power of human_god/s or even the powers of human_animals' conceived god/s , the later failed weaker people for decade in usa , if not for centuries last.

  6. You are just blowing smoke.  You wouldn't have voted for him anyway. Don't vote but don't for a minute think you are fooling us.  

    America is in perils. If you were going to vote for Hillary the only difference between their issues were few to none.  Therefore you would vote for Obama.  Maybe you are fooling yourself on this one.  Remember though America cannot stand another 4 years with the Neo-Cons.  PLAIN & SIMPLE.  

    IF you vote for McCain our country will see much PAIN.

  7. Hilliary would have been a much better choice

  8. Both stink. It's strange you see Obama as a Repub when most cons see McCain as a Dem. The problem when we cross lines in the primaries is we both get weak candidates we aren't happy with. Dems & Repubs should agree on that.

  9. Hillary on McCain:

    Biden on Obama:

    So are you Dems gonna argue with your own top people? Face it, Obama is OUT!!

    GO MCCAIN '08

  10. Obama made a presidential choice. Yes , he is risking to loose votes (like yours for example), but as a president he made a smart choice. He needs a friend and thoughtful opponent in his cabinet.

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