
Hillary is a minority?

by Guest62417  |  earlier

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So I had a liberal try to tell me that this election is important because the democratic front runners, Hillary and and Obama are both minorities.

I asked her to explain how Hillary is a minority. Her response was "Because she is a woman."

Seriously.... do liberals honestly believe this or was she simply ignorant of the fact that women make up 50.8% of the US population?




  1. Hillary is a snake like all the rest so she not a minority she is of the majority

    Now Ron Paul is the minority because he is the only one fighting for the rights of the people and constitution

  2. I'm thinking that this person means that women are simply a minority in our government because of the fact that not many women hold a high position in our government system.

  3. No - she is just woman.

  4. yes, us conservatives look at her as a minority because she is so mentally and socially challenged.

    and darn ugly too!!!!

  5. hillary is an idiot.  ron paul is getting my vote- no matter how much the media tries to goad the public into pushing the two- neither get my vote.  neither can do the job.  i think ron paul has our interests truly at heart.

  6. Is Satan a minority?

  7. Hillary Clinton is the most evil person running for President, she definitely is NOT a minority!

    How stupid is it to say you should vote for someone just because they're black, or just because they're female? I thought ideas were what counted?

    If skin color and femininity are the only qualifications for being the 44th President, we should all vote for Oprah or Tyra Banks. If ideas are what counts, we should all vote for RON PAUL !!

  8. As a woman, she is a minority among Presidential candidates, certainly!

  9. Conservatives make  me sick seriously how can hillary be a minority In which way really? Minority in the way that she is the only women to run for presidency who cares, really.The fact that hilary is a women isnt going to get her any votes. perhaps if she was a good looking women. all guys want agood loooking women as a our president

  10. That Liberal you met? - well she is the poster child for "Stupid".

  11. And what does being a "minority" have to do with being more competent than anyone else to stand for election for President of these United States?  Besides, haven't you heard that Hillary may not be truly "human"?  That would truly make her a minority.  See the link below and click on "Next" for the next two pages to understand why.

  12. Did you point out that overlooking Bill Richardson, the Hispanic, could be considered discrimination?  

    And before I get criticized for pointing out Bill Richardson's ethnicity, my point is that your ethnicity or gender should be irrelevant -- the decision of who should be President of the US should be based on one thing -- who is the most qualified for the job? But, if you use the minority angle, shouldn't it apply to ALL minorities?

  13. If there was only one man in the entire country I think she would still try that minority / victim thing.

  14. Liberals believe whatever they're told by the front runners of their party and the drive-by media without a single question.

  15. What an evil neocon republican racist, sexist question.  You know she is a minority, how many people do you know that got a $100 million to run around and buy an election.  The nerve.  By the way what minority is Hussien?  Take care.
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