
Hillary picked as VP, WOW! ?

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I do not think the Rep. could beat that "dream team". There are negatives but I think the bottom line is he can't win without her? What do you think?




  1. No.

  2. I really think that would be his best choice.

    We should find out within 12 hours

  3. give it up.  aint gonna happen.  ever.  she is a much too polarizing figure to ever get elected to a national office.

  4. From what I heard on the radio, it is not Clinton, but someone else

  5. I think that Hill is out and I also think that Edwards was always in with either of them I think he ran and stayed in the race as long as he did to gain some votes and supporters then which one won he was going to endorse and it was a set up plan by the dem party from day one and in return they would make him their running mate and in this case I think Obama is going to go with Edwards and if Hill had won she was also going with Edwards because it was planned this way to begin with and Hill and Obama is not getting along at all they deep down can't stand each other but have to save face for the better of the dem party for now then once the election is over they will never speak again.

  6. I think you should listen to the news and get away from Yahoo!Answers.  He has made his choice and it isn't the wicked witch of the east.

  7. That's sounds kind of If,If ,If.

  8. It's Biden and they will win.  

  9. He is picking Biden. Older, wiser, knows something about running the government. Everything that Obama isn't.

  10. You beg the question of Obama being the Democratic nominee - I believe Clinton expects to steal it from him, using the "super delegate" vote, as Obama has been losing his place in the polls rapidly. Please remember she only "suspended" her campaign, did not concede, did not close it.

  11. Nope it's over for Comrade Hillary.

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