
History Analytical Questions?

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Please provide me with some topics to consider or that would make me think of better topics for my essay

This is for U.S. history




  1. The American War for Independence

    US Civil War

    U.S. in World War II

    The Vietnam War

    Presidents of the United States

    The American Revolution

    My choice would be presidents of United States.....pick yours

  2. 1.  The relationship between the cotton gin and the institution of slavery in the antebellum South.

    2.  The impact of Gandhi and Saul Alinsky on the American Civil Rights Movement.

    3.  The Morrill Land Grant Colleges Act, the GI Bill, and the promise of  public education in America.

    4.  The commander in chief powers of the President and the power of Congress to declare war in the US Constitution.

    5.  The internment of Japanese-Americans by Executive Order rather than a declaration of martial law during World War II.

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