
History. Student dissidents of the 1960s...?

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Student dissidents of the 1960s

a. abandoned the civil rights movement when the Vietnam War heated up.

b. were mostly Communists who hoped to destroy capitalism in the United States.

c. held "teach-ins" and draft-card burnings to protest the rigidity of U.S. institutions and traditions.

d. came mostly from the lower socioeconomic strata of American society.

Huh. I'm thinking C or D. thoughts?




  1. C is best of a selection of average narrow minded replies replies!

    the civil rights movement has never ended and continues to this day!

    he's a communists was typical 50/60's response from 'middle America" to a free thinker!

    student dissidents came from all socio -economic strata's of America, with maybe more from the upper strata's, because they had more time and money!

  2. C is the best answer. The 1960s were a time to reject the conventionality of the 50s and the rigid role of social and government institutions (hence, the rise in feminism, civil rights' protests, antiwar, etc)

    I think the majority of the student dissidents were upper class white liberals.

  3. I'm thinking you couldn't have been there because your choices stink.

  4. Go with C.

    A is false, the protest was constant in the 1960s.  B and D are really bad ones - sounds like something a right-wing would say in an off-the-cuff way.

  5. I agree with Fly Leo, and do your own homework

  6. As a non-American, I've always understood that, as in every country the world over, it was the ill-educated and poor youngsters who joined the Armed Forces, for lack of any other employment available to them.

    And then they found that they were laying their lives on the line for a very dubious cause indeed; (US world domination).  So they wrote home to their civilain friends and thus the protests began.

    That's how it seemed from outside the USA.

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