
History and growth?

by  |  earlier

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economically, politically, etc etc etc...

read somewhere that a country's growth is somewhat more prolific after a major war, when the people are rebuilding, and its a good bet to start business there and ten or so years you'd be pretty rooted there (read: almost stinking rich)

just felt like asking, it's been bothering me the whole day.

off the top of my head: south korea, japan, vietnam...




  1. The south east asian nations recovered very well from world war two, the economies rapidly recovered and moved forwards. Many became powerful democratic forces, others slid backwards into distruction. The increasing power of democracy and money in the succesful nations has reshaped our planet.

  2. yes the best examples after world war 2 are germany and japan.  under the patronage of america and under their protection fr the communist bloc, both progresses to be the top 5 largest economy of the world.  

    when china opened their doors to capitalism, the first white man invited to come in were the germans.  volkswagen had the biggest car market then.    

    somehow, both economies after 50yrs of peace and prosperity is slowing down and now on a plateau.  

    so new economies are coming up.  the asian dragons.  brazil, some african nations too.
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