
History questions about high middle ages?

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Explain how the population of Europe was able to increase from 38 million to 74 million in the high middle age?




  1. Ironically the decimation of the population due to the plague is what allowed the population to increase. There weren't really enough resources for all the people prior to the plague,and with so many people wiped out there were more resources available for those who were left, leaving them better fed and healthier in that regards.

  2. It could be the plague recovery.

    It might also come from new agricultural technology (crop rotation) and the rise of cities. In fact, by wiping out 1/3 of Europe, the plague made the human being more valuable to masters, kings, and fiefs alike--this simple rise in valuation can have lead to a rise in population.

  3. I believe this was a time when Europe was rebounding after the plague.

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