
History quotation question!!!....HELPP!?

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"The emergence of so many dictatorships during the 1920s and 1930s, in the midst of turmoil, can be explained partly by frightened people's desire for security." Comment on the accuracy of his quotation. Use examples from at least three contries.

pleeassee help me.

i reallllyyy need your help..





  1. In Italy, economic distress after World War I led to strikes and riots. As a result of the violence, a strongly nationalistic group called The Fascist Party gained many supporters. Benito Mussolini, leader of the Fascists, promised to bring order and prosperity to Italy. He vowed to restore to Italy the glory it had known in the days of the ancient Roman Empire. By 1922, the Fascists had become powerful enough to force the king of Italy to appoint Mussolini premier. Mussolini, who took the title il Duce (the Leader), soon began to establish a dictatorship.

    In Germany, The n**i Party made spectacular gains as The Great Depression deepened during the early 1930's. Many Germans blamed all their country's economic woes on the hated Treaty of Versailles, which forced Germany to give up territory, resources and pay large reparations. In 1933, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the n***s, was appointed chancellor of Germany. Hitler, who was called der Fuhrer (the Leader),  soon made Germany a dictatorship. He vowed to ignore the Versailles Treaty and to avenge Germany's defeat in World War I. Hitler preached that Germans were a "superior race" and that such peoples as Jews and Slavs were inferior. He began a campaign of hatred against Jews and Communists. He promised to rid the country of them. Hitler's extreme nationalism appealed to many Germans.

    Japan suffered from too many people and too few resources after World War I. Military officers began to hold political office during the 1930's. By 1936, they had strong control of the government. Japan's military government glorified war and the training of warriors. In 1941, General Hideki Tojo became premier of Japan.

    During the 1930’s, Japan, Italy, and Germany followed a policy of aggression. They invaded weak lands; that could be taken over easily. The dictatorships knew what they wanted, and they grabbed it. The democratic countries responded with timidity and indecision to the aggression of the dictatorships.

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