
History trivia???

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The U-2 spyplane is nicknamed what?

A) Nighthawk

B) Old Faithful

C) The Black Widow

D) Spirit




  1. D) Spirit

  2. Dragon Lady

  3. Never heard it called anything but Dragon Lady.

  4. C: the black widow

  5. They where nicknamed the Dragon ladies

  6. C.) The Black Widow, I love the history channel.

  7. Dragon Lady

    "Patches on flight suits provide a motto: ``In God We Trust - All Others We Monitor.'' The U-2's most durable nickname is ``Dragon Lady'' - of uncertain origin, but apparently for the unpredictable villainess from the ``Terry and the Pirates'' comic strip and radio and television shows. "

    another angle

    "The U-2 is notoriously difficult to pilot, a fact that has earned it the nickname "Dragon Lady"; there are only about 50 pilots qualified to handle the craft, not to mention endure 10 hours in a fully pressurized flight suit. "
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