
Hit the lights??

by  |  earlier

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When school starts my mom makes me go to bed at like ummmm 9:00-9:30.I am starting 6th grade and i have to get up at like 6:00am. Any adults think this is a good time.





  1. That gives you about 8 hours of sleep. Yeah, that's a good time. You need a good bit of sleep to grow properly. Eight hours really isn't too much - before electric lights and daylight savings time were invented, people slept as much as 10 -12 hours.

    9:30-9:45 was always my approximate bedtime when I was growing up, it's what all my nieces and nephews have/had, it's what my kids have.

  2. I'd say you should sleep until 8 in the summer and 7 in the school year.  You should get more sleep than 8 hours...

  3. My 11 year old is in bed at 9:30 and has to be up at 5:45 am, if she couldn't get up on time and be ready to be out the door by the time I was heading out then she would have to adujust her bedtime accordingly.

  4. Yeah, that's just about right.  Since you're probably 11 - 13 years old, there's nothing to DO at night that you can't do during the day anyway.  It's generally a good idea to get about 8 hours of sleep and your mother is probably tired and wants to sleep too - that's probably why she's sending youto bed at that time.  Sounds awful but it's true - my kid goes down at 8:30 so I can have 2 hrs to get things done and get a decen night's sleep.  You really do perform better in school that way.

  5. i wake up at 4:30 and sleep at like 11.

    hahah. yeah, don't do that. it's not very fun

    and by the end of the week, i'm like a zombie.

    the times you're saying sound fine=)
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