
Hitler // English ..

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Did Hitler speak any English? I know a lot of facts which almost prove he didn't (ex:: he basically flunked German and French in school, so he probably didn't know English, and he had an 'excellent' translator) and I know some facts which could mean he did...I'm sure he probably didn't speak English (besides a little bit possibly, not fluently though), but I was wondering if anyone knew if he definately did or did not. Thank you




  1. he did i noe this im Jewish my grandparents remember him.

  2. Hitler spoke only German. German is the dominant language of Austria, which is the country that Hitler was born in. Goering, one of his most trusted generals, was quite fluent in English and served as interpreter for him. From everything I have ever read he spoke no other language than German. Its a well known fact that Mussolini, who was very gifted in other languages, interpretted for Hitler in French, Italian and English.

    If he did, which I highly doubt, it would not have been to his benefit to speak it. English speakers...Great Britain and America....were his enemies. It would have been to his advantage to deny speaking it, and have an interpreter with him anytime he needed to speak with English speakers. Its a sort of sneaky trick that politicians used.... if people thought they didn't speak the language they were not cautious in what they said.
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