
Hitler mis portrayed ?

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Hitler was a brutal dictator, do doubt. He was was brutal as Saddam Hussein, and many African dictators. However, every documentary I see about Hitler showed me a different story than how he was portrayed, as a racist guy. Hitler may have murdered MILLIONS of Jews, and It was wrong, but he was a pro nationalist, and wanted a Europe that is not just for Whites only, but for fair economical class. I learned after my extensive research that Hitler was not different from current world leaders, they all do what they think is right for their national security. Bush invaded Iraq, and is responsible of the death of 100,000s of Iraqis, and I will be wrong to call him a racist, I guess. The White supremacists that use Hitler as a symbolic were actually created to give Hitler a bad image. Hitler was powerful, enough to skip every country he was invading in Europe and land troops in Africa and kill each and everyone of them. But he did not.

What is your opinion of the real Hitler?




  1. hmmm in my Opinion, Every man has his own reason for doing things, be it minute or revolutionary. A man can make a difference if he has the power and influence in which Hitler has. I feel that Hitler was doing what he strongly believed in and in doing so he was misled by the very convictions he believed in. However i admit, he is a 'pro nationalist' and could have done far more damage should he choose to do so but he did not. So back to the question, Is Hitler "Good" or "Bad"? I would say he's "Human" where everyone be it evil and charitable could make a mistake.

    In war, only the Heroes are remembered, the ones who lose the war are marked down in History.

  2. Yeah, we have to watch out for them "silver tongued Hitlers" out there.  

    Anyhow, you don't think he was racist?  How about the n**i children he was creating, or have you not heard of them?  That doesn't come off as racist to you?  To me, that is the definition of racism.  Also, there's strategic reason not to just go to Africa and kill all of them first.  Regardless, he actually called blacks, "subhuman", and was very put off when they did well in the Olympics.  There's no doubt that he was racist and I believe that all racist people should be taken out of power.  If anything, you have misportrayed Hitler and are horribly misinformed.  

    On the other hand, he sure pushed along scientific progress in MANY ways.  That was admirable, then again, war tends to do that.  

    Also, Andrew Jackson was racist, yet focused his power on getting the country out of debt, right?  Did he take his racial issues out on the country?  hmmm, I still think that racists should not be in positions of power.

  3. I think what most of the people have trouble understanding is the fact that Adolf Hitler was not an alien, or a vampire freaked out at the sight of garlics or a half animal mutant but was a human being unlike how he is portrayed by the phoney, propagandistic quasi historians. In my opinion, he was a witty statesman who knew how to take advantage of the opportunities presented to him- though he got too bold in the end, depending too much on the policy of appeasement. Yes, of course he was aware of the concentration camps, indeed, although there is no document to prove it, he must have ordered Jewish extermination himself but as you say, this, in essence, is not very different that what other politicians are doing today to a lesser extent in a more 'covert' manner perhaps. Fear is the most powerful tool on earth, a scared person can deliver the wheel of the car to anyone who promises to safely take him where he wants to get. A scared person can push his limits and do things that seem completely contrary to his everyday, innate nature. Today's politicians, take Bush for example, play on the fears of people -terrorism- to justify his decisions that in reality promote even more terror and violance on the grounds of 'protecting' his country. That's what Hitler did, read his speeches, read Mein Kampf, he always tells in what a danger Germany is in surrounded by Jewish capitalists sucking the blood out of Germans and also, messing with the so-called superior Aryan genes. I'm not saying Hitler was a good person, I'm only saying politicians of today are no different than him, they'd do anything to defend their country's interests which usually goes hand in hand with their own political success. Afterall, Hitler did, no matter how ingenuine it was, made a pact with Stalin despite all his anti-communist rantings did he not? He did ally with the Japanese, an inferior Asian race according to white supremacists? He did compliment the Asian civilization admitting it was more ancient than the European one. He did recognize the Arab contribution to sciences. I'm sure he was interested in racial theories and perhaps did believe that white were superior to other races -which DOES make him a racist- but I hardly think he was a kind of guy to walk around in the streets attacking blacks and Asians with a swastika tattoo on his arm had he lived in our day. I bet he thought himself too much of an artist to be an ordinary white supremacist.

  4. Hitler was a psycho!

  5. HaHaHaHaHaaaaaa! "extensive research"...... made me laugh that.

    You are terribly misinformed I am sorry to say.

    It's o.k. even most modern day n**i's don't understand the 3rd reich. Russians aren't white, they are Slavic. He wanted to eliminate them. Only Nordic people were to populate Europe. Pres. Bush does not have ovens in operation capable of cremating 3-5 thousand bodies an hour. He was never powerful enough to skip countries. That is retarded. So retarded. I love how white supremacists were created to give Hitler a bad image. why?...

  6. No,Hitler is NOT misunderstood or mistakenly portrayed either.I find it difficult now,to take a question of yours seriously,after you asked where you could learn English in one of your previous questions.Is this just another case of you being a troll?

  7. He was a dictator. He held his views as much superior than anyone else's, and therefore he tried to force everyone to adopt his views.

    You can see this in how he basically had a "degenerate art" exhibit, wherein he picked avant-garde, abstract, weird -- basically anything not akin to classical art -- and had an exhibit for them so that people can ridicule these works. He destroyed them because they were different.

    Like the jews, he deemed them an inferior race, a "cancer" to the human race. Also of note is how he not only wanted to eradicate the jews, but also eradicate everyone and anyone who had a physical or mental defect, just so these "inferior beings" would not procreate and spread their "inferiority." The "weak" had no place in n**i Germany.

    Sure, hitler was pro-nationalist, I mean, what kind of person wouldn't love his own country? Every world leader would do what is best for his country, that's a given. But the thing is, he saw his country and race as SUPERIOR to everyone else in that he actually believed that what he was doing was justified and was for the best of everyone. Nationalism is good, so long as you don't hurt anyone else -- which is clearly not the case with Hitler.

    Bush may not be a racist but in many ways, his actions are reprehensible. Just because he's not a racist doesn't make the iraqi war any less devastating to all the parties involved.

    Hitler and Germany was so powerful, I agree, but who told you he didn't kill all those people? He had an idea of perfection, of how mankind should be, of how cities should be, of how art should be, etc., and his desire for idealization was enough justification for him to continue with what he was doing: exterminating everyone who didn't fit his ideal.

  8. My opinion of the "Real" Hitler ?  He was a murdering, worthless scumbag.

    Were there others as bad ?  Probably, and no doubt a few others in power right now that would be as bad given the same power.  There is not a lot of point attempting to compare degrees of evil craziness.

    Your implication is that Hitler is misrepresented by mainstream history.  Just what has your "extensive" research turned up then, precious ?  Which bit do you credibly dispute ?

    The German militarist society as a whole permitted and carried out these crimes, so we can not just blame one or two senior n***s.  But don't you dare attempt to re-write history by denying what happened.

    IMHO Google and shotguns should be kept out of the hands of idiots.

  9. As someone else said,I can't take your question on this seriously.In a previous question,you asked......."Ware is tha best belace to larn guud english lenguweyg" and now you arer asking people to take this question about,possibly,the most hated man in history,seriously.I think that you are trolling again.

    Hitler has not been mistakenly portrayed.

  10. Hitlers idea of helping Germany was to loot the wealth and resources of other nations and force their people from home to work in Germany. Some of what is said about n***s is false but really, the truth is so terrible that it requires no embellishment.
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