
Hmm...strange symptoms?

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Last night my left ear was hurting so badly that the pain shot up to the side of my forehead and down to my jaw. It went away but today there is a small amount of pain in my head and when i touch my ear it feels sore. It itches on the inside and when I put a q tip in there it hurts :(.




  1. Is the ear plugged up?  If so, you're feeling pressure from a buildup of earwax.  I have that problem, since I have narrow eustacean tubes.  If your ear is plugged up, you can get a bulb syringe at your local drug store.  Fill it with warm (ideally not cold, but definitely not too hot) water, point your ear down toward the sink, and flush it out with the bulb syringe.  You'll hear a glop-glop sound as the excess earwax flushes out, and you'll feel a lot better.

  2. Sounds like an ear infection.  see a doctor.  good luck.

  3. Ear infection. or busted ear drum? go to an ears nose and throat doctor  

  4. you got a bad ear infection go to the doctor

  5. It sounds like you have an inner ear infection. Those are worse than child birth in my opinion. Go to the doctor. They can give you antibiotics as well as a drop to put in your ear to help with the pain. They sell the pain blocker over the counter, but don't get it. If there is an infection, you need to have it treated and the OTC drops can mask any infection.

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