Question: this wrong??? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was at a cookout for labor day, my family got together and i was suprised to see my cousin there because i havent seen him for about 8 yrs, when i was little i always had a crush on him....i was just very attracted to him and i know it sounds wrong but man! but anyways he came up to me and was asking me how i have been and we were just talk and he made a comment about being my boyfriend and we laughed and he sat down and was like but seriously i wasnt joking about that. So after the day went on he came up to me and handed me a piece of paper with his number and email addy and said he wanted to keep in touch. So i called him that night and he said "ya know we arent cousins by blood so..." i was like yeah that is true! see this is how it is my uncle got married to this woman and now shes my aunt, she had adopted 2 boys to be her son when they were would that be wrong if me and him ended up getting together... because i am very attracted to him!




  1. i think thats fine, others may disagree

  2. this is the 2nd question i answered today about people wanting to date their cousins...what is wrong with u people!! ughhh so gross

  3. adopted or not, you are still part of the same family.  I think it would put a serious strain on the rest of the people around you

  4. naah your not related so go for it .. :)

  5. go for it!!!!!! If you guys were blood cousins then it would be weird of course but don't worry.Think abt it this way.What if your uncle never married that woman and she didn't adopt those boys? And one day u met him and u were in love? so yea..go hook up with him.

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