
Hockey Fights?

by  |  earlier

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Ok...can someone explain to me the whole idea about hockey fights. Can players acutally duke it out and then return to the game to play. No assault charges, nothing?

I am not a hockey fan, but I do respect the athletes, mostly the part on how they don't get paid mega bucks like the other sports. I am just not sure on the whole fighting thing though.





  1. They can but they'll get a 5 minute major. Most people wonder why they let them fight. One part is because the refs don't want to get hit. The second is that when you throw a punch, your body is moving backwards at the same time since you're on ice. Because of this, the punch isn't as hard and can't do as much damage.

  2. its usually done to send a message to the other team, to protect your teamates, or sometimes just for fun...

    this clip might help explain it...

  3. Fighting is almost on the extinction list along with dinosaurs and the dodo birds.  The whole point of fighting is basically the players way of enforcing the rules, this is why fighters are known as enforcers.  With the new rules and stricter penalty calls fighting isn't needed as much.  Aside from enforcing the rules and keeping players from getting injured fighting is often common (or used to be) when a team is down by a few goals.  The fight usually gets the team back in the game at least emotionally if not on the scoreboard as well.

    This link trys to take a stab at it, and i believe it comes close except the jersey over the head.  Thats not avoided as the article tries to convey.

  4. No charges because both consented to the fight. There is no legal way to consent to being injured though: that's why fights are stopped by police and are charged with something else, like causing a disturbance, or something under whatever tresspassing law that jurisdiction has.

  5. i actually like the fights...reminds me of the old hockey days!

    what the heck nhlhockey???

  6. Fights are in most sports. What`s the big deal?

  7. Fighting in hockey has been a part of the game since the beginning. There arecertin players on each team that are called "enforcers" and they protect the stars of the team and also are used to draw penalties. Another reason there are enforcers is to get a team momentum and get the crowed back into the game if the team is losing. Fighters in the NHL have respect for other fighters and they follow a "code" if you will. You will never see an enforcer hit his oppenent while he is down or beat him with sticks or anything. The fight is a mutual agreement when both players drop there gloves it is like signing a paper saying they will fight eachother. Most of the enforcers in the league are friend with eachother and if they fight eachother they know its strickly buisness since thats what they get paid to do; after the game it isnt unusuall if two fighters met up for a beer. Enforcers in the NHL are very respecfull! Go to youtube and watch a hockey fight: look at the crowed, you will not see one fan in his/her seat. THEY LOVE IT!!!

  8. Fight=hockey penalty=sitting out of the hocket game for like 2 min

  9. The reason it is the only sport that allows it is the bloodthirsty creeps in the stands. There will always be a percentage of society that enjoys violence and mayhem. They are a lower class of humanity.

  10. yes they can "Duke" it out. most of the time its just a 5 minute major penalty then back to the ice

  11. hockey is a g*y sport in which players get there teeths knocked out! they suck at fighting anyway and MINNESOTA WILD SUCK!!!

    hahahah SOH!
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