
Hockey Improvement?

by Guest45215  |  earlier

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I need to improve my stick handling a bit for the upcoming season. I am going to be in AAA division which is really good and i just want to be a little bit better with my stickhandling. Any suggestions on drills to do on rollerblades or while wtaching TV? I would also like to know whether it's better to practice using a street hockey puck (close to regualtion weight) or a ball (regulation weight) while doing drills or just shooting.




  1. just practice skating realy fast on the ice with the puck. Also stick handeling. just skate and do tricks, and do it for hours. the more u do it the better u will get ,

  2. If you need any further advice you can e-mail me direct at

    Always willing to assist.

    Former professional coach

  3. do some wrist exercises. Tie a weight to the middle your stick and hold your stick perpendicular to the ground with both hands an equal distance from the weight. turn this stick over with your wrists until the weight reaches the top and then switch direction until it reaches the bottom.

    i think it is better to use a street puck because of the shape.

    also, make sure you rollerblade a lot on the street. speed is the most important skill in hockey. the fastest player on the ice is often the best player on the ice

  4. What i normally do is go in my driveway, and line up pucks, and then i use a stick handleing ball and stick handle around the pucks. You should start up slowly, and then start picking up your speed and try to see if you can get through it. If you keep doing this all summer you will be able to go through those pucks faster than you thought you could. Also, if you have a full length mirror anywhere in your house, stickhandle in front of that for a while, and try to keep going without looking in the mirror. It will help you get used to the feel of the puck, and also get better. Other things i do is try to strengthen my wrists, because stickhandling uses your wrists a lot, as well as when you take shots. If you have a broken or old stick that you dont use anymore, cut off a piece of the shaft about a foot long, and tie a weight to a string and attatch it to the part you broke off. Then put your arms straight out, and roll it up so that the string is completely wrapped around the stick, and then unroll it. It works very well, and you will see improvements in your shot and stickhandeling in no time. I hope i helped. And good luck next season.

    And by the way, should try being modest, you will make more friends.

  5. I play ice hickey to, my first year and i'm pretty d**n good. But you should probaly prctice with a stick and with a ball mabe the orange ones, i use those. Roller blades are better make sure you have a solid smooth surfice though.

    Even thought it would benefit if you even just ran while handling the ball with the stick say up the street or driveway.

    And as for the tv, play the wii, excersie your arms.

    Hope this Help:D

  6. Play with total vision as well.  The best players have their heads up nearly all the time.  Keep your feet moving.  Do drills that keep your feet moving.  Stick skills just set up some cones and move around them.  Keep your head up and knees bent.  Don't worry if you lose the ball.  keep practicing with your head up and you will be a better smarter hockey player.
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