
Hog dog question...?

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I know people that go hog doggin' and love it. I've been a few times, but always stayed out of the woods, only hearing the dogs bay them up.

I was wondering where some of the best places are in Florida to go hog doggin', and what kind of dog do you prefer to use?




  1. Never been in Florida! Just in South Carolina!*

  2. I have never hunted them in Florida but i have hunted them in Texas with dogs and it was awesome we used Black Mouth Curr's.

  3. Cant tell you were to hunt in FL but I can tell you about baying dogs.

    I use two Treeing Walker Coon hounds to bay hogs and they work like champs. Both are male and neither are neutered.. if you want a good hog dog then you dont want them fixed! My walkers are agile enough to get the heck out of the way when need be yet fearless enough to stand their ground and keep the hogs at bay.

    I got the two walkers for treeing but after seeing the pair bay a 300 pound hog with ease I decided to turn them loose on some hogs. One thing I really like about my walkers compared with other breeds is that they wont go too far off and they will break and return to me at command. I dont ever want my dogs trespassing on other peoples land so its very important that my dogs will break a run if need be. Nice loud mouths on them too!

  4. I don't know florida, but north georgia has some great spots. I use my little red weinie dog to great effect.

    **What? You TD'ers don't believe me? He is more dangerous than the mighty rabbit of the Holy Grail! You remember that kid that killed the 1000 pound hog with 11 shots from a .50 pistol? That wasn't him, that was my wienie dog Bisuit that did it!

    You oghtta see him in action!!!!!

  5. Go to - there might be a few leads there.  The guy I used to hunt with used Plott hounds for find dogs, Curs and mixed breeds for bay dogs and Dogos and Pits for catch dogs.  Be sure whoever you hunt with collars and vests their dogs for protection - I have seen enough dead and wounded dogs to suit me forever.  If you ask a dog to risk its life for your hunting pleasure (and theirs of course), the least you can do is to make sure they have some armor.

  6. for hog hunting information in Florida, try checking the web, for

    in that site, you can find out where there ase public areas for hog hgunting.

    Myself, i hunt on a private ranch & have 5 dogs.

    2- Catahoula hounds ( for tracking )

    3- red nose pitt bulls ( for catching the hogs )
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