
Holiday questions!?! Best answer 10 points.?

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I'm 18 and going on holiday for the first time without my parents or school in a couple of days!

A group of 12 of us are off to Malia in Crete.

I just have a few questions...

I hear there are loads of mosquitoes...any tips of keeping bites to a minimum?

It is BOILING there are our appartments dont have air can i cope in the heat?

There will be loads of drinking(alcohol)...are drinks generally stronger there than here(UK)?

Anyone got any other tips for us all? This is all of our first time on holiday without parents so we all want it to go smoothly!





  1. Bring bug spray, and be careful with the alcohol ... this is not a lecture, I drink quite a bit ... in the extreme heat, you may not react the same, even with the drinks at the same level. Take the first day or two slow to see how it effects you. You don't want to do something (really) stupid. Most people get drunk much quicker in extreme heat. You can actually maintain your buzz by alternating alcohol with water. This will also help you sleep ... alcohol is sugar, but also contracts blood vessels... sugar is calories ... calories are heat ... heat raises you body temp ... you constricted vessels make expelling heat harder ... water hydrates and causes sweat ... sweat cools your body ... you have no AC.  More than you needed to know I guess.

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