
Holidays in Iceland?

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Hey, im just wondering has anyone gone on holidays in Iceland, im thinking of going there next summer, whats it like, is it expensive, i live in ireland so can you get flights from ireland to iceland,




  1. It is very expensive, because almost everything has to be imported. They grow some vegetables and of course have a big fish industry and lots of sheep, but that`s about it.

    But it is definitely worth a visit, wonderful nature, very friendly and highly educated people, rich history and Reykjavik has a (weekend) nightlife, which is hard to match.

    Just bring along enough money or be prepared to live on crab/lamb sandwiches, tomatoes, bananas and kiwis for a while ;-)

  2. Fascinating and expensive. Much of Iceland, as the name suggests, is covered by glaciers, and much of the rest is rocky grassland. The scenery is stunning. Aside from the area around the capital, most of the island is rural with small villages scattered along the cost. Hotels and B&Bs can be scarce, so be sure to book ahead. And plan to pay prices that would be expensive by London, New York, or Tokyo standards.
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