
Holy Mosquito's batman!?

by Guest65847  |  earlier

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So the town I live in had a horrible flood in the spring which meant a c**p load of mosquito's! We dealt with it then with massive amounts of bug spray (which only worked a very little) But its now Sept and we seem to be having a second wave. Its so bad and they seem to be a different kind of mosquito's then the spring (it actually hurts when they bite) What can I do to stop them from swarming our door when the light is on in the evening and then of course coming in the house when we open the door?

I'm desperate to find some sort of solution as I'm covered in bug bites from just sitting in my house!




  1. Well if you leave the light on they will be attracted to the light die and thus leave you alone. If they are bothering you, you should light picks, or have the sticky string hang from the celing that attracts them then kills them. By the way I loved your title, most awesome one I have seen on Yahoo Answers that still has a question inside.

  2. I've had the best luck with a combination of weapons.  First is treating the yard with either a commercial mosquito spray (I'm not sure if it repels or kills), or something less "chemical".  I've heard that Tide works well, though my husband uses something he gets from Home Depot.  We treat the yard before cookouts to keep guests from being eaten alive.  The second thing is to burn citronella near doorways, being sure, of course, to put them out before retiring for the night or if no one will be around to keep an eye on them.  I like the citronella lantern fluid in little lanterns, but the coil thingies work well too.  The more you put around the house the better.  The smoke provides a kind of shield the mosquitos aren't likely to travel through and the scent is a repellent.  You can buy citronella plants and hang them around the house, but they're not as concentrated or as effective as burning the oil/candles.  Avon's classic old Skin So Soft is good for personal use and safe for the family. Some mosquitos, I've found, are much more aggressive than others and not as quickly repelled as their milder cousins.  Not sure if this is due to ravenous hunger or species differentiation.  Also, be absolutely sure to walk your yard regularly (and encourage your neighbors to do the same) and empty out any containers with standing water in them, no matter how little amount it is.  Our neighbors actually called the city on us a couple years ago due to mosquitos (turns our we had them breeding in flower pots or something behind a shed and didn't know it).  

  3. have you tried those citronella things that you burn? Maybe that would at least keep them away from your door

  4. You can try rubbing yourself with vinegar, especially before bed to stop the biting.

  5. use this for in the garden, pond, potted plants, etc.

    use this as a personal bug spray


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