
Home school????

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Why do people home school there kids ( Just wondering )?

They don't learn how to socialy interact with kids other then just there siblings.

I have noticed when kids that were home schooled there whole life and go to a public school they don't have very many freinds. They get teased to.

So why would anyone want to homeschool there kids?




  1. I've wondered this also!

    Maybe they feel the need to 'protect' their kids?  If they're at home all day, the parents will know where they are and what they're doing.

  2. I have a friend that homeschools her daughter, she does it because they dont think that public schools are safe anymore and feel that her daughter vvill be able to learn more from home. She is socialized alot though because she is around friends and her cousins and she also is in dance class so she is around kids alot.

  3. I'll be homeshooling or private schooling my oldest at least. Why? Because school standards are too low and she @ 3 was at a 2nd grade comprehension level (according to the school she is zoned for). They won't be able to teach my daughter, when they are too busy teaching what other parents choose not to. Why make my daughter spend year after year learning what she has known for years over, and over again. That will only discourage her with school, and make her not like the "not so bright" kids she'd be surrounded by. If more parents taught their kids before they enter school, then she'd have the luxery of public school. I'm not going to put her through h**l for other peoples poor choices in not teaching what we have. Thats my reasoning. Why do most parents lay most of the teaching off on schools, and  not take the initiative to teach them more at home before entering school?

  4. I homeschool my children.  Why?  Because it is what is best for my children (not that it is what is best for all children).

    Homeschooling is a misnomer, because it indicates to people that do not know what homeschooling really is that the children are stuck at home all day.  That is not the case.  My children's education is based out of the home, but the world is their classroom.

    We have to be careful to not socialize too much, or there would not be time for the academics!  Seriously, there are so many opportunities available to us that we can not possibly take advantage of them all.  My children can, however, participate in more than the average school child because our lessons do not take as long (we usually finish by lunch time, sometimes we have to do a bit more after lunch) adn they do not have homework.

    My children have been/are involved in Church, Scouts, 4-H, Baseball, Drama...  They participated in play groups when they were younger, but now they have a base of friends that they get together with regularly (some are homeschooled, some go to private or public school).  They also socialize with family, neighbors and the like.  

    Their socialization is also REAL.  First, who do you want children to learn social skills from-adults who can model it, or other children who are in the process of learning those same skills?  We do not expect other children that are learning algebra to teach our children that, so why do we expect the same of social skills?  

    In no other setting other than school, and possibly a nursing home, will you be forced to socialize with 29 or so other people based solely on the fact that they were born the same year as you and live in roughly the same neighborhood.  My children (the older two are 10 and 8) socialize with babies, children their own age, teenagers, and adults.  They speak to the banker, butcher, mailman, cashier...they are living the real world instead of learning about it.

    The examples you see returning to public school after homeschooling are probably returning because homeschooling was not working out for them.  It is not indicative of all homeschoolers.

    Are you saying that children who are not homeschooled never get teased?  I know that is not the case.

  5. I just broke it off with a woman I was dating. She home schools her kids. Or so she says. They are very undisiplined and lack manners. I could not stand it any more. I tried to give her a second chance but it didn't work out because of her kids. Now, I have 2 kids as well and I like to think they are disiplined. They are involved in sports, school, and I have had many compliments about their behavior. I do have custody of my kids. So I know what its like. I really liked this woman but I am not going to subject my kids to unruley kids.

  6. I think it is a wise decision if they are a troubled teen. But as for all other reasons the only thing I can think of is.... they want there kids to unsociable.

  7. Ha! When my oldest was home schooled she was in 4 different activities. She was MORE socialized that any of her public/private school friends. Now that she is back in public school- her socialization still comes from OUTSIDE of school, the majority the time.

    We home schooled because it's better education and we could fill her time with her own customized schedule. She NEVER got made fun of and has loads of friends.

    She CHOSE to go back to school. She gave me valid reasons and I let her. My children can choose what THEY want to do. They have to spend 13 years getting basic education, before college- so they certainly give their input on how they want to spend it.

    Edit... Yes public and private schools are extremely watered down education. My daughter did 2 grade levels in one year while being home schooled and now that she is back in school.. we supplement with lots of educational games and books when she is home. On the bright side, she is a 4.0 average student because of the easy work and she gets to read when she is done with her classroom assignments. She doesn't get too bored.

  8. I have no Idea, Mine is 3 and just started fulltime pre-kindy, i plan for her to be in fulltime school for a very long time and she already has many friends...

  9. You mean all home schooled children are locked in their closets during on school hrs?Who told you that lie?

    They DO interact socially with other home school groups going on field trips, going on outings like skating etc.They also  go visit neighbors friends,go to church etc.

    The only thing that is missing is some crazy with a gun or having their hormones driven crazy by hoochies and players and being picked on, and offered drugs.They learn about those things from their parents.Its what parents USED to do, TEACH their kids about REAL life.

  10. What exactly are the kids at school teaching my son?

    In kindergarten he learned to cuss.  In 1st grade he learned to cuss in spanish.  In second grade he learned that the bullies are the most popular kids in class.  Is this the social skills I want to send my son to school for?

    My son began homeschooling in 3rd grade and you form a community w/ other homeschoolers. They meet on a regular basis for fieldtrips and get togethers.  They also have more time to follow the extra-curricular activities that are being pushed out of school.  The kids I meet that are homeschooled do just fine socially.

  11. Parents' that home school their kids can push their kids to work harder and learn more than their school counter parts.  In school you are stuck learning at a pace close to the slowest student in the class.  Some classes give A's just for having a pulse.  Parent's would rather their kids learn, not just sit in the classroom.

  12. they do not want to waste there money on stupid things

  13. I will home school my children. I agree that some people are just too protective, however, that's not why I will home school.

    I want my children to not have to go at the horribly slow learning pace that most public schools teach at. I went into public school just like a lot of children but I went in 2 years ahead of most people in my class. My mother was constantly told that I wanted to go too fast for the pace of the class. By 3rd grade I would get incredibly bored with most of the class. I would just do my work and end up zoning out because we weren't even allowed to read while we wait.

    Our children will also go down to Honduras and go to school there on a regular basis. My husbands family is primarily teachers so they will be going to school with them. My husband did this growing up and every year he would go down and they would have to catch him up to his grade level in Honduras because the school systems in America are much farther behind, usually 1-2 years.

  14. A lot of homeschool programs now are sponsored by local school districts and/or state programs so that the kids that are being homeschooled have ample opportunity to interact with other kids in things like sports teams/school dances, etc. One of the big benefits of homeschooling is that your kids end up better educated. Right now as the education system stands, class rooms are too overcrowded and kids aren't given the one on one attention they need. Not everyone can afford to send their kids to private schools. If you sign up for the homeschooling program, the school district will provide you with the teaching material as well. (at least in my state)

  15. hee hee

    b/c if they homeschool their kids

    they know the difference in too, to, and two.

    and between there and their

    lots of grammer errrors in this

    thus the answer is:

    they homeschool so their kids can READ AND WRITE.  

    so they get to be smarter and get better jobs and get to have real priorities and develop stronger.


  16. We are homeschoolers for a variety of reasons. Mostly, because it's our God ordained duty to do so. We are to train up our children. They are quite disciplined in their studies, can interact with anyone in any age group with poise and confidence, (sociability), aren't bothered with the latest trends or who is dating whom, are inquisitive and excited about learning, and enjoy wonderful relationships with like-minded children of all ages.

  17. I don't know.

    My mother didn't do a good job on making me an outgoing, out spoken, sociable girl and I was not homeschooled all my life, I barely started this year.

    You as a mother needs to teach your child to socialize -- it doesn't matter if its homeschool or public school.

    I guess I followed my mothers footsteps because she isn't sociable herself.

    I am pushing to be different though, and I do not want my child to go through the things I went through....


    Being scared of people.........

  18. You can focus more on your child's strengths and weaknesses. My friend is homeschooled, and she would be in grade 9 in public school. She takes all grade 9 "courses" at home, except grade 12 french and grade 7 math and science. Now, I don't understand why her mom doesn't drop the french and focus on science and math, but.. she does get more attention for her needs than she would in a regular school.

    I would never have the patience to home school or be homeschooled ! I would hate it !

  19. some mothers who don't work, or have a lot of kids just find it easier to homeschool them.

    i agree, they don't have much of a chance to interact with anyone but their family.

    i can see, like if the kid was sick all the time or was  like an actor or whatever, but i think school can be a very fun time for kids!

    oh, and hea n, it's grammAr.
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