
Home schooling in high school?

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I want to be home schooled for high school online. What is it like? Do you like it? How can I convince my parents that to let me be home schooled. I am independent and hard working and just don't feel like I fit in at my school.




  1. Wow all the anti's are out tonight.  

    My kids are homeschooling through high school.  My son is in high school now and plans to go right through here at home.  

    There are a lot of internet high schools down in the States I'm sure.  I know we have a lot in Canada.  

    So many universities are actively recruiting hs'ers now because they know that hs'ers are usually there to study instead of party.  

    Good luck to you and I hope you find the right course for you.  Take a look at    I've heard it's based on your local districts curriculum so it may fit into what you've been doing so far.

  2. Hi, i have been home schooled with my sister since the fourth grade and am home schooled for 11th grade now and we love it ! we get to be with are mom who has devoted to teach us . the school work can get a little hard and we do get stuck some times but we figure it out in the begining we were kind of critisised by out friends and there parents and my grandparents becuse they believed we needed to be arround children are age but it's not like that now. there are programs you can buy abeka and they will send you c.d's that you do and you send them back and they send you another  till school is over. abeka also has the books and you do your school work and your parents grade them thats what we have becuse it's cheaper if there were any program i would coose it would be abeka it is the hardest but it's the best you can get . if you want to trying to get your parents to home school you ,you can tell them how home schooler have been shown to make better grade's and are more likly to go to collage and become better people. hope this helps ! God Bless,Heather

    p.s you can make friends when you take your s.a.t's you have to go to a school and take it me and my sister both have made friends when we go to take our s.a.t's most of the kid's are realy intreagred by us and there are more people than you think who are home schooled when we first started like one or two but now there are hundreds of kid's just like us who's parents home schooled them and guess what no home work ! well kind of you do your school work in the day time and no school at night yay ! more time to talk with friends !

  3. My granddaughter has finished her senior year by taking classes over the Internet.  She also has kept in a few things, like choir at school.  At her school at least, she has been allowed to do  now taking her last class, did a lot better doing it this way, and has really liked it.  She did home school when she was younger, and was just not liking the classes at public school.

    This was fine with her parents, and she has done really well.

    I also have two other grandchildren who home schooled up through middle school, tried the public schools and were so bored they took the GED test and move on in 10th grade to Junior they were two years ahead in their schooling...then finished in a regular four year just two years!  They were very happy just moving on out of high school.   They have requirements you have to follow for assignments, tests, etc....but you might like it.  Then you get the same credits, so you can graduate with your class if you want to.....

  4. My friend is homeschooled because he is a pro motocross racer and it doesnt fit with his schedule. He does his assignments online and has to keep little journals and things. I'm not really positive how it works. I never really see him doing work but I guess he finds his own time to do it. He's going to be getting a diploma from a different school then where he was supossed to graduate from, I guess certain schools only allow home schooling? If he would have done all of his work he would have had his dimploma already but I gues it's easier to put it off. If you are hardworking though it shouldn't be too bad. Just tell your parents your feelings about not liking your school, and see where it goes from there! I hope everything works out!

  5. my son just started IQ academy online and he loves it.

    he is in 10th grade.

  6. I'm the same.  Try Keystone High School (Google it), I'm there and I love it.  I'm very independent, and I don't much go with the social crowd either.  Tell them that you can take better courses at your own pace on there, and there's less of a chance of you getting into trouble or being exposed to any of the things that you would be in a typical school.  That normally is what get them.

    Best of luck and blessed be

  7. Get American Home School.

  8. if u want sum sort of future i wudnt recommend it, but if ur just going to be a housewife then go ahed

  9. "soccor god" has no idea what he is talking about.

    I went to an alternative school in my school district, in which we did High School/College courses online.

    It was the best thing to ever happen to me, education-wise.

    I loved it.  You really have to be motivated, and good at picking things up quickly since you don't really have a teacher there to help you.

    I would look for something like that in my school district or neighboring areas, and also check out local college websites.  A lot of tech schools do it.

    Hope that helped :)

  10. OMG dont do it!!!!! Trust me ive done and its not fun. first of all, u have no friends to hang out with like u do at school,so ur social life kinda goes down the drain. Second , u have no teacher teaching you how to do your work so when u have questions u can only ask ur parents and most likely they wont be much help, especially when it comes to math. Third, YOUR GONNA BE STUCK AT HOME ALL DAY!!!

  11. i am on it and i thank it is good cause you do school around your time and i thank it is just good and plus you still get ppl skills unless you are a total loser

  12. i would stay in a high school, but try another one around you.

  13. I think that this isn't the best idea. The reason is because high school can help u get prepared for the real world with all of the ppl, the competiton, relationships,etc. I think all kids should go through this experience of High School with other kids.

  14. Try to enjoy high school as much as possible.  Believe me when your older you will look back and miss it.  If you are having a hard time fitting in, join some groups or clubs.  Put yourself out there and go for it.  If you make it fun you will enjoy being there more.

  15. Home Schooling for High School... is a very Study Intensive Endeavor.

    YOU need to have a "Scope and Sequence" and then work to those goals.  Bob Jones University in Pensacola Florida has Home Schooling Textbooks and the S&S .  Check their On Line site.

    One of the most important things.... is to have a plan for College or Technical School.

    A Career Goal is most important and the College Entrance Tests a must... taken in the 10th Grade and again in the 11th.

    You will get the results from those tests and then know what areas you need to Study IN.

    There is a Yahoo home school group and many other groups on line, even a Home Schooling Magazine.

    Home schooling IS NOT FOR EVERYONE....!  For more information, I was the Chariman of a Home Schooling group and wrote the BiLaws for the group.  

    Had I to do it all over again, I would not HOME School.....!

    Thanks, RR

  16. In the long run it will be bad for you. Just stick with normal school.

  17. Does your school offer alternative degrees? Sometimes they may offer credit for independent work (and even offer tutoring) as long as you can prove you can master the coursework--then you can get your degree from your high school rather than on-line.

    But if you have your heart set on getting your degree on-line, I'd do some serious research on it. I would even ask your school counselors if they know of any good options. (Google high school on line degree programs.) When you look into individual programs, make sure they are accredited!!  Once you get your facts together, present them to your parents and maybe they will feel it is a better option for you also.  The important thing is that you don't drop out.  You really need to get your high school diploma, especially being so close.

    Good luck to you--my heart aches for you and all kids who are also independent & hard-working, but are not comfortable in the public schools.  It just doesn't seem fair!  Best wishes no matter what you decide!

  18. My son graduated an online charter school with a 3.5 and now attends the University Of Dayton with scholarships. Online charter school are accredited and they give you the same diploma that any public or private school would. They will help you with making sure all your state required tests are done (proficiencies etc )

    Depending on where you live they have some all over. This is the one we currently are using, and it is great !

    It is free, they will provide you with the things you need, a computer, printer, supplies, books and teachers are there to help you as well. If you need anything else please email me

  19. I don't think you should be home schooled for high school, especially high school. After high school it's college. Of course they want to know what you scored, where you went and your grades. Online might get you off track and you'll work harder being there in a real one. If you already go to a school, then stay there. If your home schooled already (not by online) then either stay that way if you really like it or change to a real school.

  20. My best friend thought this would be a great idea. He didn't fit in at all in high school. He did two years of computer-based homeschooling and it was h**l. He didn't learn anything, he didn't really study, and he was bored all the time.

    Even in spite of that, he still wanted to homeschool. But finally someone convinced his mom that it was damaging him and making him unprepared for adulthood. His mom made him go back, and he was really unhappy about it at first. But when he went, it wasn't as bad as he thought. The older you get, the easier it gets to fit in (kids finally start respecting and accepting you for who you are as you get older, as long as you are confident in yourself). My friend went out for wrestling team and learned to build some awesome carpentry in shop class... those were just his particular interests... and when he graduated he was so glad that he went back to public school instead of homeschooling for the rest of high school.

    He says now that if he hadn't gone, he probably wouldn't have the good job he has now, and he never would have met the girl who is now his wife.

  21. I love your explanation of what you meant by not "fitting in", have you explained that part of your reasoning to your parents?

  22. I think that if you have the discipline and the drive-it would be great for you to home school online. But I would be cautious about online programs. You may want to contact a local homeschool organization to get information about reputable online programs. If you live in a rural area and there really isn't one...then contact one in the nearest major town.

    The nice thing about homeschooling is you have more time for your hobbies.  High school was really hard for me because I had a job and was always involved in some sort of production in community theater. I wouldn't get home until well after 10 every night and I met all my closest friends through my extracurricular activities-so they didn't even go to the same school as me.

    And to correct some misinformation someone else posted...

    Bob Jones University is in Greenville, SC and they do publish homeschool materials.

    Pensacola Christian College is in Pensacola, FL and they publish A Beka homeschool curriculum

  23. you won't get in to a good college.

  24. It's fine as long as you DONT do it online. Get American Home School. Online, the teachers are very unresponsive and neglect to give you immediate help.

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