
Home schooling...?

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Does anyone know of how I could go abouts home schooling my daugher?! I know its not a good idea but the neighborhood Im from is not the best one I asked My Mom to enroll her in her school district b/c her's is a suburan district (long story as to what happened to that) Im from Western NY so if anyone has ANY info in regards to it please contact me ASAP!!! thanks




  1. Actually, homeschooling can be a very good idea.  It's not for everyone (no one school option is), but the fact that it's increasing by 10-20% annually - and the fact that major universities are actively courting homeschoolers - shows that it is a good idea for a lot of people.

    To homeschool in New York, please check out the following link.  It has a chart that shows the regulations and a link to a .pdf legal analysis.

    There are tons of curriculum choices, the first poster gave some good ones.  You can also find many, many choices for all levels, subjects, and learning types here.  Request their catalog (it's the size of a phone book) and you'll see what I mean :-)

    You may also want to check out the homeschool groups in your area, as they can offer more specific info and support for homeschooling in Western NY.  They can also often offer co op classes, field trips, play days, clubs, game nights, etc.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Home schooling can be a positive experience.  

    Just a word to the wise.  There is more to school then just academics.  The social training is very important in teaching our children how to deal with people in the real world.

    If you decide to home school, make sure that your child has outside activities with other children and adults to give her/him the ability to develop their social skills.

  3. "I know its not a good idea"

    what makes you think that? when undertaken by an conscientious and committed parent, it's a very good idea, and often produces a superior education to that offered by most public schools.

    in addition to wise ol' owls, comments, I'd like to add that there are also excellent secular resources if you are agnostic or atheist.

  4. If you feel like it is a bad idea to home school ,it will never work.I suggest you look into other alternatives.

    ADD: Entering into anything with a defeatist attitude is likely to cause failure. What I meat by looking into other alternatives was many states allow children to attend school outside their district for a small fee.

  5. Check out the guidelines on the HSLDA website for NY.  Each school district in NY handles things with a different style within the rules.  If your district is open to homeschooling, you might find it enjoyable.  Most kids who are homeschooled get equivalent or better educations to their public school counterparts.  

    But homeschooling isn't for everyone.  There's a lot more to it than plugging your kid into a printed or online curriculum.  Someone, usually a stay at home parent, has to be on hand to review lessons, answer questions, and supervise/guide progress.  Then there are those electives like music and PE and health to arrange.

    If you are unsure that homeschooling is the best option, you might want to check out private schools in your area.  Not all are expensive, exclusive enclaves for the rich.  Many are small community based schools with surprisingly affordable rates - and often there are scholarships available.  Many of these schools provide a safe haven in areas where there are violence, drugs or social issues in the public schools.  

    You might also check for a charter school in your area that your child might be eligible for.  There are still quite a few in NYS if you go looking for them.  Your local school district could give you the contact info for the ones nearby.

  6. I don't know why you would think it is such a bad idea, honestly if I lived in the best district in America or had unlimited funds for public school, I'd still homeschool. My family enjoys the freedom it affords, my kids are getting a great education that fits their needs, we spend a lot of quality time together, and they have a much more varied and busy social life than had they been in school.

    My suggestion is that you raid your library's homeschooling section and, if you're really going to do this, try to approach it with more of an open mind-- and if you still think it is a bad idea, then maybe it isn't for you and you should consider another option.

  7. WOW You would rather have her in school? I love having mine at home. To get you started go That site will give you all the laws you need for NY and the different options you have. From what I see on their site is that they have pretty strict regulations so you really need to read them. Next is too look at curricula. What kind of education do you want her to get Christian or Secular? From there do a search for home school programs that fit what you want too teach. I use Christian programs and enjoyed sonlight and we are using ACE this year. Sites for them and With the last one I believe there may be an on-line school you can utilize as well Lighthouse Christian Academy. They also have a diagnostic test you can try if you daughter is past kindergarten. Good Luck! I hope the best for you as you start this new journey and I hope you find it as rewarding as we have!

  8. Why would you assume that homeschooling is not a good idea? You already know that the neighborhood school is not a good one, and I assume that is from your investigation. Please don't fall into the stereotypical nonsense that suggests that home-based learning is not a good idea. It depends upon you. There are several guides to asist you in the process, such as Abeka and Bob Jones HomeSat programs. The Abeka program is a Bible based, phonetic based program that is used by literally thousands of schools across the country.

  9. NY has some stringent laws and you have to comply wtih them.

    After that homeschooling is easy.

    Homeschooling can work if the student is a motivated self-starter.

    There are a variety of programs you can use.

    By and large Western NY is very safe compared to the rest of the URban world.

    I can only see some small problems with parts of Rochester and Buffalo

  10. Frankly, if you think it's not a good idea (and you're telling this to a bunch of homeschooling parents who do think it's a good idea), then don't do it. Your heart won't be committed to it, there will be a feeling of resentment or other negative sentiment that your daughter will pick up on. So, it seems to me you have 3 choices:

    1) Research homeschooling more so that you see that it is a good idea then register her for homeschooling. You can ask questions about the laws where you live, which includes how to get legally started, not mention questions about why homeschooling is a good idea, through homeschooling support groups, either NY state-based or more locally.

    2) Move.

    3) Work extra hard on your parenting for the time you're with your daughter so that she's fully prepared to deal with what can go on in school.


    These are the homeschooling laws in your state. Now you need to go from there on deciding what curriculmn to use for your daughter. Then teach away.
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