
Home-schooling questions?

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I'm a junior in high school. And it seems so miserably pointless. I'm seriously considering homeschooling. Will colleges look at this negatively? How exactly does it all work? Could I do the stuff on my own? Would I need an at home teacher? I could definately do it on my own but I'm not sure how the whole situation works. And any other helpful comments would be much appreciated




  1. You should enroll in a couple of night classes a week at the local jr college.  Earn some real credit for you exertions.  At home, just study what interests you , fit it into subject areas.  That is what homeschooling is all about.  It isn't school at home.

    And colleges love homeschoolers. In fact, if you have earned several credit hours, by night classes and summer classes, when you start college, you are already ahead of the other kids. You don't have to do the ACT because you are already a college sophomore. Homeschoolers do this often.

  2. I too was bored with school and decided to homeschool.

    Colleges do NOT look down on homeschoolers!  They are constantly looking for homeschoolers because the work harder on their school work.

    Go get registered as a homeschooler you will need to do the following.

    You parents will have to Transfer you out of school.  Don't tell them that you will be homeschooling because they might give you a hard time.  So act as though you are going to another school. will give you the information on how to homeschool in your state.  This is a very important website because it states all the legal things your parents will have to do.  

    Depending on your state laws for homeschooling you will then be able to pick a style of homeschooling.

    What I did was enroll in a correspondence school.  They send me my books through the mail and I do my exams online.  I usually spend about 1-3 hours of this type of homeschooling.  The rest of the day I do unschool-homeschool.  Which means I'll get a cooking lesson from a parent or a lesson on how to put air in my cars tire.  I'm in Penn Foster High School.  The reason I use this school is so that I can get a Diploma afterwards because my state does not allow for my parents to give me a diploma.  

    The school I use, Penn Foster High School is a private school which means it costs money.  It's $900 for all four years of high school, BUT since you have already taken many classes in regular high school, you will send them a copy of your Transcripts and it will be cheaper for you.  Also, if you cannont pay in full they have monthly payments of $34.

  3. colleges like homeschoolers better!

  4. if you are full of self-control, buddy go for it. find a program that suites you and do it. i am a junior and a senior this year because i want to graduate early. i teach myself and send the papers into my program where they grade them, and i do exceptional well. you need to consider for whatever state you are in, what your homeschooling laws are, as far as what to do about a portfolio, how many books to read a year etc. and colleges actually are looking for homeschoolers because they are very focused and self-enduring. it really is quite simple. email me if you have any further questions.

  5. Find out your state's regulations:  Then start locating homeschoolers near you so you can ask questions.  A to Z HomesCool will help you locate a local group.  

    There are correspondence schools for homeschooled high schoolers, or you can buy individual classes from suppliers (you will also find them at A to Z)

    At your age, you shouldn't need an at home teacher, just someone to help mark your progress and encourage you.  That would be your parents.  I do hope you will discuss this with them.  

    If you are college bound, check out college entrance requirements to make sure you are going to have all the classes necessary for acceptance.  You can go to any college admissions website to see what they require.

    Colleges love homeschoolers for the most part.  There is still about 1 percent out there that haven't caught on, but very few and far between.  My daughter actually got and extra scholarship for being homeschooled through high school.  

    Best to you.

  6. i BELIEVE  you need a teacher or a program  and colleges don't frown down on homeschooling

  7. The laws on homeschooling are different from state to state. Some states only require you to report your hours each month while others require a licensed tutor.You have to take a test at the end of each school year to be sure your learning all the things you are supposed to.I homeschooled both of my children ,but things may be different now than they were then. Focus on the Family is very helpful to those who are interested in homeschooling, I contacted them and they sent me a huge packet of info. about getting started and where to acquire curriculum. Good luck.

  8. The first thing you'll need to do is get aquainted with the laws in your state. Try:

    Each state is different, some only require notifying the local system that you will be homeschooling, others may require regular standardized testing or specific subjects/courses.

    There are many types of curricula to choose from as well - from online correspondence courses to self made ones. Figure out what courses/subjects you need to complete your education and what type of program would best suit your needs, then run a search online or check your local library. There are many homeschooling high school students who are essentially 'self-teaching' through the materials they choose - its not at all hard.

    Admission to college after homeschooling is becoming more and more simple - most colleges are now actively recruiting homeschoolers. Keep an accurate record of the subjects you complete, perform well on your SAT and/or ACT and you'll have plenty of schools to choose from.

    It also might help to get involved with a local homeschool group. Type 'your state homeschooling' into any search engine to get an idea of whats available locally. They can give you support, answer questions, inform you of local activities, etc.

    Best of luck to you!

  9. Homeschoolers are often perferred.

    I suggest you look at the exact colleges you want to go to.  Find out what they think about homeschooling.

    Your parents need to take you out.  They are responsible for all the legal stuff and the teaching.

    I will say, that senior year, you may want to go back...the counselors helping you get into college will be a big help unless your parents are proactive homeschooling me!

  10. Everything said here was correct.  College make room for homeschoolers, but you may still need to pay for and take the SAT test before going to college.

    Homeschooling is basically doing work on your own.

    You usually buy "school in a box" supplies, which you can cherry pick.  This has your books, test, CDs, DVDs.

    Some programs require you to mail in tests by a spefic date and they actually grade you and the company gives you  a grade.

    Some programs don't do that, it's just a work on yur own and parents grade your work.

    The idea is YOU MUST be up to the following levels.

    Math:  Algebra 1-2, Geometry 1-2, Trig, possibly Statistics, Pre-Calc or Calculus.

    English: On going grammar and composition (essaays) and exploring styles (Chicago Manual, APA), Vocabularly building, spelling, sentence diagramaing.  English Literature

    History: On going world and national history leading up to Civics and Contemporary world problems.

    Science.  Full understanding of Earth Science (Astronomy, weather, geology, oceanography).  Biology 1-2, then either Math based Chemistry or Physics (sometimes called AP courses).

    Arts.  You should have some drawing, painting, singing, musical instrument playing under your belt.  That means take up the guitar or piano.

    For PRIVATE colleges and Ivy LEaguers

    2 Years Foreign Language EQivalent.

    That means you get a school in the box for Spanish or French and put the CD into your walkman and work at it, even if taeks 4 years to cover 2 years work.

    It means try and find groups of people who speak that langauge and see if you can converse with them.

    This is the background you will need for college because college is going to want to do:

    1 Year college math (Algebra-Trig)

    2 Years College English (Advanced composition and literature)

    2 Years History/Poly Sci

    1 Year arts

    1 Year science (Biology, simple chemistry, observational astronomy).

    UNLESS of course you are in a MATH or Science major, in which case you will get 4 years of each, including Organic Chemistry, which is famous for generating Cs and Ds in the best of students.

    I would ALSO consider UNSCHOOLING concurrently.

    This means hobbies.  PRofession oriented hobbies.

    Computer programming.  Get Visual BASIC or C++ and learn it (homeschooling) and then continue to work at it for 4 years, writing programs FROM SCRATCH (not looking at other peoples books and work, but using your brain and waht you know, when you cut and paste you are CHEATING and STEALING, the idea behind UNSCHOOLING is to learn by doing and using your brain)

    I put several programs out into the commercial market and made some $$$

    I had one of the first NO CODE web page makers out there that was letting teachers and 10 year olds turn text files into finished web pages back in 1992, long before Front Page and Word for Windows with an HTML option.

    Seeing as how there WAS not competition there was NO ONE'S BOOK I could look at.  

    I broke new ground.  Techncially that qualfies at some colleges as credit towards a Masters Degree.

    I did something no one had ever done before.

    Hot Dog was the big one in the field and it was a CODE MAKER not a NO CODE designer.

    That's what UNSCHOOLING can do and it's also was a Masters Program in College does for a Computer Science major.

    So PROPER unschooling can give you Masters level working knowlege in several fields if you have lots of practical hobbies.

    I unschooled myself in Observational Astronomy starting at age 11 and by age 16 I was published in Sky and Telescope.

    I will be out there with my Minolta SRT and my 300mm Lens and some Kodak 200 speed film for the Agust 28th Lunar Eclipse, if the skys are clear at least.

    See I know how to do this.  I know exactly how to take pictures of the eclipse.

    I UNSCHOOLED myself in photography and color darkroom work and even built a color filter draw for my black and white Durst enlarger.

    That was ONE thing Middle School helped me with.  Mrs. Artran's plastics course, taught me how to work with Ethyline Di-Choride and I got the materials at a hobbie shop.

    So UNSCHOOLING is about how Galileo made the Telescope, Newton made the laws of bodies in motion, the reflector telescope and Einstein made Special Relativity.

    They didn't learn that in school (schools now teach it), but they did learn the math.

    There was no school for making A-Bombs, so Oppenheimer and his associates had to figure out what to do.

    The thing in the SCHOOL system is it doesn't teach you UNSCHOOLING original thinking until a Masters and PH D Degree program.

    Anyone 9 years old or older can UNSCHOOL and figure out neat new ways to do things and even get a patent for it, if it's totally unique!

  11. dont worry about colleges, i was home schooled my whole life and i got into a great college, i had to trun them down cuz of money, you will need a parent, cuz they have to make the graduation requirements, like how many credits and what classes, being you will be home schooled you will be considered a privet school so what ever you parent says goes and the state doesnt have a say so in it really. good luck

  12. If you can't do anything so don't. Do not b hard on your self, but 2 improve then just take intrest on that subject.


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