
Homeless people asking for money? ?

by  |  earlier

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When you see a homeless person on the street what do you think? Do you give them money? What type of homeless person are you more likely to give money too?

Where I live we have a lot of them on street corners selling newspapers, I am more inclined to give and elderly person money, food and water, that's about it I never seem to feel sorry for the young ones.

Today I saw one of the homeless younger ladys shopping at the mall.




  1. I have in the past then I realized some of these people dress up to look homeless when theyre actually doing ok. Its tax free money and I simply dont donate anymore to them as it usually goes to their drug habits or alcohol.

  2. I never give cash to any one begging on the street, most of them are alcoholics or drug users your just enabling them to continue their habit.

    There are 2 shelters in our town, I remember one gentlemen was asking for help at the post office. I asked him if he tried the shelter he said no, so I called the shelter and told them where he was. They went out there to pick him up in the van. He can get a shower, clean clothes and chits for food, also could sleep in a clean bed at night instead of the street.

    Remember the shelter will not allow alcohol or drugs in there. So if the guy is not in the shelter he wont' give up those habits.  Enabling homeless is not good nor right.

  3. I never turn away a hungry person. My brother doesn't either. He offers to walk them over to a fast food place and buy their lunch or bring them back some.

  4. yes

    i allways give what i can

    to all of them

    ( =

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