
Homemade Bear trap??

by  |  earlier

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I Want to make my own bear trap.

Because i have a lot of break ins.

Do you guys know of any websites where I can make a bear trap???





  1. don't be mean to the bears.

    how about a tall fence? :)

  2. If you have bear trouble, leave it to the pros, either ASPCA or State Game & Fish.

    If your problem is with 'shaved apes', the ultimate solution is a 6+ rnd 12 ga. riot gun w/ a full load of buckshot &/or slugs.

  3. Setting boobytraps for intruders is illegal.

    Better to spend your money on a surveillance system or one of those alarm systems that sprays a CSgas/OCgas fogger into the room. These are legal. Boobytraps that may maim or kill are not.

  4. things u need:

    big box


    bear food

    make a stick hold up 1 end of the box. tie string to stick. put bear food under box. when the bear goes in the box to eat the bear food then pull the string and he'll be trapped and then u can kill the bear.

    either that or u can use an atomic bomb to kill the bear

  5. What do you plan on doing with the bears once you catch them?  The bear in Borat was trained...just saying.

  6. omg please the last thing you want to do is pis* of a bear just put up barb wire around your place they'll leave you alone.....or at least they should if not then get a very powerful gun and sit out there and kill them. hit them in the right spot so you dont make them mad and attack you...please be very careful with your actions

  7. Is this to catch people?  Because, if it is, you are going to end up in jail and then you will be sued by the person you catch.  That is a very BAD idea.

    If it is to catch a real bear, then you need to check with your game and fish department.  As far as I know, foothold traps of that size are not legal in very many places.  Also, if it is not trapping season, you might end up in jail.  Plus, what are you going to do with the bear?  You can't just put a catch pole over a bear's head.  You need to call a professional.

    Did you notice that "jail" is a recurring theme here?  Get an alarm system.  That will discourage people and scare the bear.

  8. Setting a trap for people is illegal even in the places where shooting burglars is encouraged.

  9. Because you have a lot of break ins???  Then you're trying to build a human trap?  That's illegal in all 50 States.  You will be sued and lose big regardless of the circumstances.


  10. just sit out there with a shot gun u cant get in trouble if it's killing your chickens or something like that.  or u could just google homemade bear traps and see what comes up
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