
Homemade Tackling dummy?

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So my tackling is so so, especially in open field stuff. i usually dont square up enough to really get a hold of my guy. i was wondering what the best way to improve my tackling would be? does anybody have any ideas for a homemade tackling "dummy" persay? thanks...this is for rugby. i'm a fullback.




  1. One of the best tackling drills you can do is to set up something to run under a few feet in front of your dummy.  It will make sure you get low and under control.

  2. Aim for the hem of his shorts. Grab on and pull down. lol. One of the guys from Scotland did it to William Ryder at the Hong Kong 7s. There were already 2 guys on him and the third guy brought him down. And yes, he was the one grabbing at his shorts. lol. Sorry. Seriously. Try eating some hard core starch. Like the islanders. Try some dalo or cassava. lol.

  3. Here's some educational material you may find useful.

    As for a homemade tackling dummy, I'm a firm believer that tackle backs serve virtually no purpose other than to offer resistance and/or protection to 'dummy' tacklers in training sessions. Tackling a tackle bag on your own as a means of learning to defend at fullback would be tantamount to preparing for a boxing match by simply sparring against a punchbag.

    Learning to defend, particularly as a fullback, is something that can only really be done in a game situation. You need to learn to read peoples' lines of running and know when to drop deep to cover kicks and when to join the line in defense.

    At school we were taught to tackle around the thighs - as time has gone by I've evolved my style of tackling into two extremes; either a relatively high tackle in order to smother the ball and the player or a head on tackle where the knees, not the waist of the opposition player are my target. Fix your eyes on the knees of the player coming towards you, open your eyes wide and lift your chin and your back will line up perfectly. Once contact is made pump the legs and if you go to ground then get up first, before the attacker, and start working on getting your hands on the ball.

  4. Homemade??   um... a punching bag, foam sheeting and...

    ya, no- i got nothin.

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